(no subject)

Apr 07, 2006 07:55


Heh, myspace is populated by freaks, facebook by fakes, and Livejournal autosaves so I don't lose what I've written when my computer conks out. I should write on here more often :-D

Well, let's see. I have yet to get a passport, which means I have to pay about 60 dollars more for a passport. BUT my friend Ryan's mom came and visited last week---and when she left, she gave me a HUNDRED DOLLARS. yeah. I've met the woman, like, twice, and she's so far paid that, a hundred dollars for groceries, and two meals. I don't...even know how to reciprocate. But the good news is that I had money to cover the extra cost (even though it was completely my fault for missing the deadline)

And it turns out I won't be an RA next year. Instead, I'll be the Center Complex Programmer! Basically, it means free room, free meal plan, and all I have to do is put on fun programs for the residence halls the entire year.

And I totally winged my speech :)

So, yay money. Yay, position. Yay, France. And Becky ( my boss from Willow Springs) called yesterday, so I may possibly still work there for a few weeks this summer as well!

Oh, and I'm switching my major. Well, not really, just getting my B.A. in English a year early to start the Master's Program for Education.

My plan to become Mrs. Miller is steadily coming to a point }: )

AND I was invited to this "Barrister's Ball" (basically, Law Student Prom) by a Law Grad Student who works with RHA. Now I have to just find a dress...

Ok, now to read Hurston before class.

I'm so excited we're almost done with Modernism

I'm so excited we're almost done with school!

I'm so excited that I'm going to spend my weekend playing Kingdom Hearts 2 ;)
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