Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) What is
thatshott86's biggest flaw? being in california
2) What video game does
darcjester remind you of? crash bandicoot
3) What would you do if
jo_fairy died? be sad
4) What song/movie would you recommend to
giveintothesin?'s pretty cool
5) If
orangeprincess and
hereticofthebox were spliced together, what would it be like? Super Thespian
6) Is
giveintothesin dead sexy? Better--he's one of the few honestly good guys left
7) Are
inbrightlights and
orangeprincess married? heavens no
8) Have you ever dated
glanz_falke? naw, although through
9) Would you ever date
zackthepumpkin? no, because he will always be my little Freshman
10) Would
zackthepumpkin and
thejersey make a good couple? haha, if the age difference weren't there, maybe
11) Did
hereticofthebox break up with you? heh, nope
12) Does
giveintothesin have a big secret? I don't know, does he??
13) If
inbrightlights was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? The Man
14) Where would
psuedomom most like to visit? dunno :\ I'll ask her next time
15) How would
dj_rath kill
giveintothesin? why would he want to?
16) Has
luchaporlacausa dyed their hair? I don't think she's ever done that
17) What do you disagree with
giveintothesin about? he's usually on the ball with things
18) Has
hereticofthebox been to your house/dorm? my house, yeah
19) Is
unseencolor related to you? don't think so, but you never know
20) What color should
thejersey dye their hair? I can't imagine her with any other hair color
21) What is
luchaporlacausa's favorite food? goldfish
22) How tall is
psuedomom? taller than me, but isn't everyone?
23) Would you set up
unseencolor and
jo_fairy? they're both tall, but it wouldn't work
24) What do you agree with
thatshott86 about? Holly is awesome
25) Have you flirted with
giveintothesin? haha, probably
26) What is
luchaporlacausa's favorite band/artist? Whoever sings "Collide"
27) Is
luchaporlacausa introverted or extroverted? Extroverted to the max
28) How many monkeys could
orangeprincess fight at once and win against? hmm...I'm thinking about 25?
29) What would
dj_rath give
psuedomom for his/her birthday? a story
30) If
glanz_falke were hanging off a cliff, what would
jo_fairy do? she'd pull him up, because she's got great upper body strength