Things lately have been nuts, and very non-conducive to updating. Two friends moved in last Monday and stayed for a week, our wireless network stopped working--leaving only one internet-connected computer in the house--we had a two-day Jewish holiday, and I went on a four-day youth retreat with lousy cell reception, during which I supervised a
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In your case I see absolutely no relationship between a lack of self-respect and too much self-disclosure. I think your openness comes from a few things:
I) being Middle-Eastern and being raised with the most open mother I've ever met. Ror, your mom gives new meaning to TMI.
II) being a writer, because you self-disclose like you're writing a book about yourself, complete with all the details that catch people's attention. And I do mean ALL. This is your journal, for heaven's sake (and yes, by heaven I mean sky :))--if people don't want to hear about you, they shouldn't be reading. By now they should know that you're sometimes very up-front. Perhaps it would be wise to make more entries friends-only, however, just because you wouldn't want a family member stumbling on it. Chay wanders sometimes.
III) your ability to laugh at yourself no matter what. I love that. And this tendency, combined with aspect II is what makes you different. I think most people, when they've done something stupid or made a fool out of themselves either just let it pass or keep it mostly quiet. It could be an ego thing--people are fragile. But you'll take stupidity and write about it and make people laugh. It's fabulous.
IV) just who you are and I love that about you.
So many people do. There's no reason to change anything.
I also really respect and appreciate point III above, it's so true, and that's such a great quality to have. You really are a wonderful, and truly inspirational, person.
That she possesses one does not mean that she has other.
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