room smells like pot

Oct 06, 2004 20:31

Last night (yes, Tuesday night) was the Story of the Year concert. Christine had bailed the night before, so we tried in vain to find a replacement. So it was me, Derek, and Vanessa. Letter Kills opened and they were pretty cool. There was a moderate amount of moshing going on, but the band didn't have that much energy.

I had seen My Chemical Romance, the next band, already, and the way the drummer plays just annoys the hell out of me. Bastard. So Vanessa and I went exploring...the bathroom was pretty nasty, I could have gotten the SOTY poster I had wanted for a while for $5 but I decided I was too lazy to bring it home with me on the bus, the view from the balcony was closer to the stage than what I remember from being up there a few years ago for the JEW concert, and the ticket checker dude pointed to my old school black-with-orange-and-yellow-font Green Day shirt (I had to go back and correct that , it originally said "shit") and said "cool shirt." What a guy...that was awesome. Also, there was a cameraman there and Vanessa said he was some WB guy, and when the camera was pointed toward the merch line we got in line. So hopefully the camera caught the back of my hardcore awesome old school Green Day shirt. And water costs $3.25 a bottle. Crazy bitches...

Lostprophets started their set with this pre-recorded orchestral thing (Vanessa told me later that it was from Back to the Future) and put on an awesome show. Moshing was crazy, considering it was mostly 20-30 year old big and/or fat guys throwing their weight around. The band sounded okay live, which was better than I expected since their album sounds so overproduced. Still an awesome awesome album though. But the energy, oh man...I was exhausted after they played. The singer stagedived into the crowd too. They played most of the stuff off their new CD since I recognized almost every song...they didn't play "Last Summer" though, so that was a disappointment. Then again, slow songs like that kind of kill the crowd energy. Still...I love that song...

So I told myself I'd stand at the back for Story of the Year, but that didn't last for too long. The crowd turbulence reached all the way back where we were standing, so I got pushed up against Derek in rather uncomfortable positions and had to ask him to push me away a few times. But they didn't do any of their crazy signature moves; they didn't even jump off the amps, much less do backflips or stagedive into the crowd. But the energy was still all there and the songs sounded good too. They played a really cool medley of covers, including "Sweet Home Alabama" (now I love that song, I just finished downloading it). They finished with "In the Shadows." It was an awesome show.

By the way go here right now and download "The Seduction." I'm turning into such a hardcore kid...but the guitars and vocals and chorus and solo are so fucking sick. Solid State rules.

Today was an interesting day. I'll update later...right now FUCK I HAVE AN ECON TEST TOMORROW NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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