I truly wonder just how many people actually read my posts or not. A lot of people say they are my friends but yet never try to talk with me. It's like they only befriended me cause my wife told them too or just to be polite for her
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You hadn't added me after my change over, so I figured you were no longer interested. I'm here and watching again now that you finally allowed me. ::pokes::
Also, I'm almost always on AIM. You can hit me up any time. I hardly initiate IM conversations with ANYONE, so don't feel that it's cause I don't like you. More like... I don't want to be a bother.
My advice is, don't wait for people to talk to you. Talk to THEM. It's called being socially active. People read your LJ, they aren't afraid of you, they don't dislike you, but you need to start opening your mouth and creating an online presence for yourself if you really want to get to know people. People are generally wary about talking to someone they don't know. Leave comments in other people's journals, get to know them, pay attention. And now I'll stop lecturing you. :P
Comments 5
i read my entire flist when i am able!
broccoli tail says ALLO
Also, I'm almost always on AIM. You can hit me up any time. I hardly initiate IM conversations with ANYONE, so don't feel that it's cause I don't like you. More like... I don't want to be a bother.
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