Ladies? You ready to meet all the hot MEAT of LJ?
Men? You ready to eat, I mean meet all the hot BITCHES of LJ?
Thennnnn, Get ready...
When: Saturday, March 13th 2004
Where: 967 J St. in Brawley, Ca.
Why: To get laid of course!
How: Car, bus, Numero Uno Shuttle, taxi, Dial-A-Ride, who the FUCK cares.
Who: AAAAAAAAAAAAALL ya'll LJ motherfucks!
What will be available for your party needs:
BEER, Dance Dance Revolution, Karaoke, BEER BEER & more BEER, spin the dildo, Captian Morgan, SEXXXXXXXXXxxxxxxxXXXXXXXXXXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxXXXXXXXXXXx
theenballz = (760) 562-1181
you_love_vee = (760) 562-7843
cray_z_fool = (760) 960-2145
BE THERE.........................BITCH.
so here's the deal. this weekend me, theena, vee, michael, aaand chino are going to this chick rosemary's 21st birthday party in san bernardino and you have to dress in the 80's. i'm so excited! i hope my outfit goes through and looks cool. yesterday i went with vee and austin (v's neice) to go look for stuff. vee found her perfect outfit and looks damn cute in it ofcourse and then athena already has her outfit and she's gonna look gorgeous as always so i still gotta figure out my shit! chino is even excited about dressing up 80's! can u believe it? i did not think he would be down to go and especially to dress the way he has to. he deserves 'good boyfriend' points for that :) i will for sure take pics this weekend cuz incase you haven't noticed there will be a little lj get together. ugh if you don't go then you just suck PLEASE GO!! it'll be TONS'O'FUN.................literally :)