Mar 06, 2004 10:32

HeYyYyYy eVeRyYybOdY!

A big...HUGE congrats to everyone that made softball @ dGs... you guys are aMaZiNg!!!

MeG- .a.R.e. .Y.o.U. .r.E.a.D.y. .T.o. .L.o.S.e. .Y.e.T.? NOT TONITE! haha

haha, anyways, as for everything else...

GIB TOOK FIRST PLACE @ THE COMPETITION! WoOhOo! (against the book doesn't matter!!!) haha i love you girls.. i miss you sooooo much!

SuNsEtTeRs 15-PuRpLe bEaT sUnSeTtErS 15-WhItE iN tHe LaSt ToUrnEy... tHaT wAs CrAzY mAyhEm.. it was SoOoOooO weird being against all your friends on the other side.. much love to ALL the sunsetters!!! WaY tO pLaY hArD!

My dAd just told me that he wanted to go out shopping today before the voleyball tournament, and right now i'm suppose to be getting ready to go to FoX vAlLeY wItH him, so this is why it's so short... i gotta go now so i'll post more later!


<3 aLwAyS


p.s. a big HEY*HEY to my rEpLaCeMeNtS! The choir show was AWESOME.. thanks bunches to Kelsie and Lauren my girlies... waYYY to much fun... (the conversations on tape kels.. whOopS!!!)
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