Oct 24, 2005 13:07
I'll update everyone on my friends list about Hurricane Wilma since for the most part, most of the people on there, don't live down here.
Well first off, We (Amanda, Alan, Shawn, Aaron and myself) went to Halloween Horror Nights last night at Universal Studios and we got rained on. So that kinda sucked!! A Big one. LOL
And it rained, and the wind was bad all night and all morning while we were asleep, but we haven't lost power once, and for the most part, Wilma is gone. I'm sure we'll still have some rain and wind for the rest of the day, but it's not steady like it was....
But there is a wonderful cold front following behind Wilma, and Earlier when I woke up, the news said it was in the 60's (Don't remember what exactly...I think 67...But that was at about 9:30.
Now it's 1:30 and it's at 59 outside. The news says tomorrow morning it's suppose to be 48. So yeah, we're really getting the cool air down here right now.
It's time to break out the hoodies! YAY!
[EDIT:] I forgot to mention that while watching the news this morning at around 9:30, Al Roker was in Naples, FL covering Wilma, and he was standing there trying to fight the wind, and was joking about how he wished at that time that he still had his weight when BAM! he fell flat on his face! He was okay and got right back up, but It was hilarious. :)