WTF brakes?!

Jul 01, 2008 16:18

What fucking tool at GM decided to stop using the warning system on brake pads? You know how pads used to "squeel" real loud when the pads were in danger of destroying your rotors? Yeah, some fucking tool decided to stop putting those on.

I swear the auto industry is so full of assclowns I hope they all fucking die. Yeah, die. You heard me. Dead. The ass-clowns that made this descision should be hung in city parks all over the U.S.

Fucking idiots.

Repair guy said he has 5-6 cases a week of cars that need new rotors now. So many in fact that now days they keep rotors in stock at brake shops.

How fucking nice. Do they keep teeth in stock too for when the rotors fucking explode from a hard brake as they wear out and my loved ones hit their face on the windshield?


$220 fucking dollars because automakers wanted to save $20 on pads. Yeah, thats how much extra pads cost with warning sections on them. But guess what--shops dont carry the pads with warning sections. Only Murry's and other do-it-yourself shops do.

I know 2 engineers at GM who used to be responsible for specc'in out the brake system components too. They always used to complain about how the penny-pinchers would change their supplies on them to save extra money. I called one of them just now. Jim told me that this shit still goes on today.

So thats how your cars are being built folks--with components that financial dicks chose. Not the parts chosen by the engineers.

If only I knew one of those dicks. I would knock his fucking teeth out--in case I need them for when my brakes explode.

car, gm, rant

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