Tagged by Richmondhillgal

Mar 01, 2006 14:36

Guilt What is yours? Explain yourself Culinary: Thai
it makes me sweat! lol and I love all the textures of the food
Literary: Gossip rags I can't help it...I must read them and I have no idea why! (is that considered literary though lol)Audiovisual: Movies, all movies I am a movie whore, the good, the bad and the ugly...I don't discriminate
Musical: can't pick one...i love it all. I like to think I have a life soundtrack music can tell such great stories
Celebrity: non QaF... Colin Firth He just does something for me that again, I can't explain

Now I tag:-

meant2be2gether mistress_five tmpttneyes shit_itskayla and mistress_rain

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