Jun 03, 2008 01:53
One cool summer evening, while sweeping up the soot that had collected in the corners of both her mind and laundry room, a beautiful young maiden decided to slink to the couch in search of something that would satisfy her need for nostalgia, beauty, and funk.
What she found could only be placed in that cosmic file folder labeled: Divine Providence.
Being struck with a giggle over the fund-raising "techniques" of Nashville Public Television's annual pledge drive co-hosts: a drearily dressed man-child aptly named 'Dennis', and a mildly entertaining Jolly-Black-Lady, the maiden decided to nestle down and see what insultingly cliche' live opera performance or irritating Fleetwood Mac "Finally, Farewell...For real! Tour" they were pushing. To her delight, a rare jewel appeared before her. Emerging through the haze and fog of childhood innocence, she felt a warm blanket of relief at seeing what would soon plague her thoughts like a great lover or particularly smooth turbo-start in a grueling best-out-of 3 mario kart race.
Dictionary.com's official definition(s) of Righteous:
right.eous- [rahy-chuhs] -adjective
1. characterized by uprightness or morality: a righteous observance of the law.
2. morally right or justifiable: righteous indignation.
3. acting in an upright, moral way; virtuous: a righteous and godly person.
4. Slang. absolutely genuine or wonderful: some righteous playing by a jazz great.-noun
5. the righteous, (used with a plural verb) righteous persons collectively.
What she was witnessing for the first time in her whole life was a Righteous Brothers concert live via 1983.
In a seemingly endless bit of time comparable to her pocket watch as 43 minutes, her journey through the up's and down's of that irresistibly watchable phenomenon had ended. The show was kaput!
She collapsed into a heap of listless bones and tissues suddenly engulfed with feelings of utter despair, grief, and separation anxiety. So soon it ended......
And so soon it began.....
The maiden picked up a quill and began to write a story........
Being an only-child means whatever a maiden storyteller wishes it to be. In this case she means to make no generalizations or pretend whatsoever to be able to define what it is to be "An Only Child."
She only wishes for her readers to know that she is one, and that to her, an only child's destiny might be akin to that of a desperate #1 Black Bicycle playing card's red-handed journey.... being held prisoner in The Red Queen's lonely dungeon where nary a day goes by when "Off with her HEAD" is not shouted from the castle grounds.
You're for the emotional chop 24/7. It's complicated.
The maiden continued to scribble on parchment barely noticing the flicker of the single candle that lit her tiny room.
She writes and realizes she's writing as you...read.....this and
oh my,....what..has................. happened.......................
"Ahoy there me shimmering matey, methinks I spys with me scope a closing paragraph astern!"
She got a little confused about space-time and third-person writing styles and maidenhood....so she will leave you with this.......
If one brother is dressed as mummy's little insurance salesman and the other is dressed as a cowboy pimp, which brother is more Righteous? And what is it like to have a brother?
The maiden has no way of finding the truth of this paradox as the intricacies of the human psyche are far from being mapped out. It certainly is no schematic that one can google at times of trouble. No way, no how! Really! Ask a therapist if there is.
The maiden did.
1.)They are brothers.
2.)She supposes they are righteous enough for someone to have once called them "Righteous."
3.)They played that one song..."do do de do do do do do de do do do Oh, my-y-y-y-y, my darliiiiiing, I've hungered for y-o-o-o-ur touch a long lonely tiiiiiiiiiime."
So seriously, her question de l'heure is.....Which brother is more righteous? The Virgin or the Tart?
We may never know, or care. Perhaps it's like a pie chart and one brother is just righteous enough to keep the other afloat, but at least this writer has faith that someday, possibly aeons in the pale future, someone might see this, gaze up to the same stars that daVinci and Copernicus once marveled at and wonder exactly what the answer would be.
The Maiden