The First Entry

Jan 26, 2004 12:41

Well, I’ve finally gone out and done it, I’ve gotten a livejournal just for book reviews. The aim is to help myself work through the crates of unread books that I’ve acquired over the years. At this point I don’t know how many books I own and definitely don’t know how many I’ve got to read. I’m hopping in the next little while (read: next two weeks) to go through all of the books that I’ve got and get an exact count. Or at least find all of the ones that I haven’t read yet so they are all in one place. Eventually this site will have a running total somewhere.

I’ve decided to do something I never thought I’d do. I’m going to include my romance novels in with the count of books that I’ve read. As anyone who knows me well can attest to, I read way too many romance novels for my own good.

This journal is going to be an account of everything that I’ve read from 1 January 2004 onward. I’ve started it near the end of January but I’ll just put in the reviews for the couple of books I’ve read this year so far.

This is my book journal and I intend to just use it as such. If you really want to know more about my life then read my main journal jadeshadow or my fictional life pru_caine for more info.

As I said in my intro, I’ve got a couple thousand books, if you don’t see a review here that you’d like to see, please tell me and I’ll either post the review if I’ve got it, or read it if I don’t. I’m always open to a new book. Or three.

~ K.
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