My fun first few days

Dec 16, 2005 22:59

I have been back for only 1 and a half days and I already have stuff coming up. Today I could not go anywhere because my car battery finally died. So, I was not able to do some of my X-Mas shopping like I wanted. Well better to have died here at home then in the middle of my trip back from Mansfield. So I spent the day washing my blankets and playing video games, excellent fun. When my father got home be replaced the battery, but it took a lot longer then it should have. First off the bolt that held the battery in place rusted and would not come out. So my father had to snap the head off, cut part of the bolt off, and then drill straight through it to pull it out. Then we had to find a replacement bolt to put back in. After that we took the old battery and went off to find a new one. Autozone was sold out of my type of battery, and the Ford dealership was closed. We finally went to a Firestone, but they too did not have my brand of battery. The guy at the desk made some calls and found out that a slightly different battery would also work in my car, this battery they had. We compared the old one and the new one and they looked similiar so we bought it and went home. When we went to place it in the socket we had to wedge it in. This battery must have been several millimeters taller and wider than the correct type. We could barely get the strap arcoss it to hold it down. The good news is that we got it in and that battery won't be going anywhere. And this battery has a higher cold crank then my old one, about 650, so I will have no problem starting my car in the cold this winter. It took us 2 hours to accomplish something that should have took half an hour, damn Fords.

Saturday is going to be very busy day for me. My father wants me to go with him, my uncle and cousin to some junk stores and old book stores. I will be getting up at about 6 or 7 to head to Reading with him to meet up with the others. It probably will not be exciting but my father really wanted me to go and I hate to make him sad. But, I might find some interesting old books for Kay or myself. Then we are going to get back by 4 so we can go to a pre-Christmas party at my aunt and uncle's house. My uncle lost his business and had to become an employee for someone other company so they must sell the house they are living in now and move into something smaller. So this will be the last party in this house, which is very sad because it is a very nice house. We will probably stay until 9 or 10 and then head home. In between these two events I will try to give Kay a call to talk to her it will probably be between 9 and 10.

On Sunday I will go back to the library to do some work. I got called today and was given about 17 hours for the next two weeks. It is not much but I get paid well. Besides I do not mind working a lot during summer but since Winter break is only 4 weeks long I do not have any interest in working everyday for many hours. I might get more time as people take off and ask me to sub or if the director has a specific job that he wants me to carry out. So on Sunday I will work from 1 to 5 with two new employees that I have never met before.

Finally on Monday I will try to do my X-Mas shopping for the family. My step-brother will be home so we can decorate the tree. Then I will most likely be calling Kay and talking to her for awhile. I have not heard anything from my friends yet, I do not even know if they are home just yet. I am pretty sure they will all be home this weekend and we will probably play some D&D during next week. As it appears everybody will be off interning or researching all summer, so Winter break may be the only time we will all be able to get together and play as a group. Also on my list, I want to go see the King Kong movie. To my utter amazement it has recieved excellent reviews considering it is a remake of a very cheesy movie. I guess Peter Jackson can do no wrong at the moment. At this rate when he goes to make Halo the movie in 2007 he may be the first person in history to make a movie based on a video game that does not suck (Mario Brothers anyone?). Of course, even the impossible to mess up Matrix was messed up, so he better stay humble.

Other then all that not much else is going on. I am waiting to see my grades and I am looking forward to Christmas. I think my family knows what I want, I have made it very obvious. I am already missing Kay but break is short and I am keeping myself occupied with plenty of stuff. Hopefully it will be a good fun winter break.
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