No Place for an Independent Chechen State

Jan 27, 2006 15:54

To this day, many in the West claim that the wishes of the separatists in the Russian province of Chechnya must be honored. The Western liberal "anti-imperialist" enthusiasts claim that "The reason why the Chechens want to create their own state is clear. For centuries, Chechens have been victimised and persecuted by Russian authorities. Russian czars in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, Bolsheviks in the early 20th century, Stalin in mid-20th century, Yeltsin in the 1990s and now Putin, they all have had the same policy towards the Chechens." The matters cannot be truly farther from the truth. Russia is an Empire, a union of states (as implied in the State's name-The Russian Federation). Its government relies on localized authorities of constinuent Republics to govern themselves. The prosecution piece of the above claim I will not bother to disrepute as for centuries Chechens, Russians [ of whom there is a significant percentage] and other nationalities have peacefully coexisted in the republics for these so-called centuries of persecution. Any friction that has existed in the Republic of Chechnya is due to the Islamic extremism of opportunist murders like Maskhadov and Dudaev. A vast majority of Chechens I assure you want to receieve in a timely manner their pensions, salaries, heat electricity, water that is their right as citizens of the Russian Federation. They are not jihadists, Islamic extermists, nationalists etc.--just ordinary people who want to lead an undisrupted life. Who then has prevented them from doing so? It was certainly not the "Imperialist policies" of the Russian Czars and Presidents. Maskhadov, Duadaev (who are dead) and the Islamist wackos (who will soon be dead) have imposed these great evils upon the very people for whose welfare they claim to fight. They declared "independence" and invaded Russian in 1991, starting the first of the two wars which destroyed Chechnya. Who, then, is now rebuilding the country and the city of Grozny? Certainly not the "clerics" whose actions destoryed it in the first place. It is the evil imperialist Russians who are providing food, water, police and fire protection to the Chechen citizens of Russia (as they have done so since the admission of Chechnya into ther Russian Empire) held hostage in their own Republic by Islamic zealots.
Notice that in the opening sentence I did not grant the name of activist but rather "enthusiast" to originators of the claim. I did so because I do not wish to insult those who are true activists (for better or for worse) and who actually care to educate themselves about a subject before dispute its nature with other, as is cerntainly not the case with these "anti-imperialists"! Therefore, the sovereign Russian government will work with the legitmate Chechen administration to continue restoring peace, justice and hope for its citizens. Too much blood has been shed to give into terrorist demands. Our pride as Russians, of whatever origin and faith, will not allow it. We will stand firm behind our fellow citizens, our children, elders, brothers and sisters and will not abandon them to the hands of savages!
The nature of these "enthusiasts" is typical of Western "liberals" and "progressives". These people must be ashamed for expoiting those names! True liberals and progressives have been just, intelligent and moderate in their views, working for the betterment of the societies in which they live. The people of whom I write exhibit none of these characteristics! While their intentions are good, their fault lies in their self-imposed ignorance, for with all the infinite informational resources available today, they still fail to educate themselves on the matter (this characterists apply not only to Chechnya).
Western influence and "imperialist policy", they argue, has brought about many atrocities which plague the world today. That notion is simply laughable because noone in their right academic mind will argue such a simplified case! I pose to them this question: How could the effort to bring a primitive people food, medicine, industry (and in many cases clothes) bring about the wars of the world today? The answer containes many layers that these enthusiasts refuse to see. The expansion of Western trade and culture is a natural process of any advanced, civilized society. This natural drive for expansion has been exhibited by even the most provitive cultures. Atrocities and wars have been raging in the African and American continents long before the arrival of Westerners. The claim that Western culture has escalated these troubles is partially true. With Western society came advanced science and weapons with which one can many more people. However, firstly the governments who wield these weapons are independent and are responcible for their own crimes (Rwanda and South American) and secondly, Western expansion raised the stadard of living for these primitive communities incrementaly higher. This is where the Chechnya argument ties in with the general Western "liberal" "anti-imperialist" claims. The common constituents of primitive societies (just as citizens of Chechnya) do not want to live in a shithole ruled by a tyrant, though with their native (and often extremely bloody --mind you not to forget the Aztecs and Mayans) customs and laws, but in the most advanced, capitalist or socialist societies--ideas born in the West and in the course of expansion of which they have been introduced). The people who promote the current "anti-imperialist" agenda are actually playing for the primalization and degredation of these societies. Take away Western customs and benefits and there come the inter-tribal wars and honor-killings.
The fact that a vast majority of these "enthusiasts" are "Westerners" should be alarming to themselves. Why have not the people for whom they are attempting to lobby, spoken in favor of their "demands"? Posing as rational people they fail to see these simple signs. Nor do they see the danger in which they place their fellow citizens! Siding with a few Islamists rebels who call for the destruction of the West is rather dangerous business. But I will not judge them on that. Seemingly anyone can hold any opinion and so what they wish these days, including giving comfort to our enemies. That used to be called treason. But now they insultingly call is "liberalism", thereby quite literaly damning FDR's memory.
Thus my "liberal" friends (if you have had patience enough to read so far down), I realize your intentions are good, but I must reprimand you for undertaking such dangerous lobbying while being quite ignorant about the topics at hand.

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