(no subject)

May 14, 2012 11:20

Posting this from my phone

It's been a while. Got a new interest in my life and ive been painting like a mad woman. Went onsome sort of date saturday. His name is theron ive known him for a minute. I had no clue he was interested until he asked me out. The date was a blast. Sum it up in order of sequence...took the dogs to red bud, birthday party slip and slide, frito pie at yellow jacket, artsy fartsy show, maelstrom at love joys, eyehategod at the ballroom. Funnest day ever. He is a super gentleman and I hope it works out. Not to mention total babe magnet with a nice pick up truck. Going out again on tuesday, movie date. Things are perfect I am the happiest ive been in years. My car is inoperable, im always brokebut hey im still smilin and shinin and lovin life

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