Nov 09, 2005 16:15
i know that this is going to sound stupid, but studying eastern religions has really put things in perspective for me. sometimes i get anxious and feel like a panic attack or some other sort of angry or upset freakout is coming on, and i just close my eyes and take a breath and say, "Relax." that is my mantra. Relax. that's it.
relax, and think to yourself, it's really not that bad. in fact, it really doesn't matter at all. people who bother you on the train, people who say stupid things in class, people who disagree with you, a stain on your favorite shirt, screwing up some school presentation. all those things are so insignificant and so not intrinsic to who i am.
i feel at peace with myself, finally. i can laugh at myself. i can look back and say, who was that? that was silly, but you know what, all that stuff got me here. that is my enlightenment, or whatever you want to call it.
i am a much calmer, happier person now than i ever have been. and i am thankful that i can share this calmer, happier person with those around me, and perhaps in turn make them calmer and happier as well.
because really, that's all that matters.