May 09, 2006 12:17
So today is what would have been mine and Franklyn's 6yr anniversary. Sad that I remember reading a statistic that 87% of breakups happen at the 5.5 yr mark..and that if you can make it past 5.5 yrs, you're pretty much solid..... Franklyn and I totally fell into that statistic. How sad...and amusing at the same time. Here's to hoping my next serious relationship makes it past the 5.5 yr mark!
Today is also exactly 30 days before I turn 23. I feel soo old!!! Of course all my older friends want to slap me for admitting this...because really, 23 is pretty young...I guess I just really feel like I haven't accomplished much. I know I'm only (barely) 23...but I feel like I should be further ahead in what ways, I'm not sure. I make great money, but at a job that probably won't last that long..and at a job that is definitely not my career...I need to get back in school already. I think I would have felt a lot more accomplished if I had stayed in school from the getgo..but how could I do that AND support myself? It's funny, because if I had stayed home in Alb, I probably would've finished school at UNM..because my dad would've been there to help me, I wouldn't have had to pay so much in rent, nor support Franklyn and therefor, wouldn't have been so stressed about money............ so at times, I wish I could go back and redo that aspect of life..but then I can't say I regret my moving out here, I learned a lot personally, and had an amazing adventure.. so I guess that's what I've accomplished, personal growth. And really, in America, one can ALWAYS go back to school and get ahead, the same isn't so true for the types of lessons you can learn on the varying journeys you I guess when it's all said and done, I AM pretty happy where I ended up...even if it doesn't necessarily fit the picture perfect world of how life is supposed to be.