(no subject)

Jan 04, 2009 13:44

Title: The Amusing and Unusual Exploits of the Doctor and His Master
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Doctor/Master
Theme set: Gamma
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine, unfortunately. Maybe next Christmas...
Notes: This is a bit of an AU, it pretends that the Master didn't die at the end of Series 3, he joined the Doctor and they went travelling together. And some of these, well, I stretched the prompts just a little...

#01 Ring

When the Doctor’s phone rings, it’s usually Martha calling to tell him about yet another alien invasion and demand his help, and the Doctor will always run to the rescue, no matter how much the Master wishes he’d just stay in bed and let the Earth save itself for once.

#02 Hero

After the fourth time the Doctor almost gets shot, the Master hauls him back into the Tardis and tells him that he will tie him up unless he lets someone else play the hero next time.

#03 Memory

The Doctor is running around frantically, trying to remember where he left the sonic screwdriver, and instead of helping, all the Master does is comment ‘First sign of getting old, Doctor.’

#04 Box

‘We have to think outside the box,’ the Doctor declares, and the Master just laughs and says ‘I don’t think you’ve ever thought inside the box in your life.’

#05 Run

The Master is fed up with ruining expensive shoes escaping from angry mobs, so the next time the Doctor yells ‘Run!’ the Master is completely prepared, having stolen a pair of the Doctor’s shoes well in advance.

#06 Hurricane

‘You know, Doctor, I don’t think an umbrella is going to be quite enough to keep you dry,’ the Master says smugly, protected from the rain by his bright yellow raincoat and enormous rubber boots.

#07 Wings

‘Doctor, we’ve got something in the Hub you might want to have a look at, because I’m pretty sure rabbits aren’t supposed to be this big… or have wings,’ Jack says seriously, ignoring the crashes and gnawing sounds in the background.

#08 Cold

‘I’m not going to kiss you, I don’t want to get your cold too, but I will go make you more chicken soup,’ the Doctor says, wrapping another blanket around the Master and dodging a particularly violent sneeze.

#09 Red

‘Do you think the red or black chucks go better with this suit?’ the Doctor wondered, ignoring the Master’s grumbling about how he was worse than a girl, taking over two hours to get dressed.

#10 Drink

The Master stared at the array of brightly colored drinks set out in front of him, many of which displayed fruit or small paper umbrellas, and wondered for the hundredth time how the Doctor managed to get so drunk with them.

#11 Midnight

When the Master complained about being woken up in the middle of the night to look at shooting stars, the Doctor countered that technically it was morning, and it wasn’t as if sleeping was more exciting than comets anyway.

#12 Temptation

‘Let’s go take over this planet, I mean, it’s not as if they’re a particularly nice species in the first place,’ the Master said, but the Doctor shook his head and suggested they go out for ice cream instead.

#13 View

The Doctor spent a good half hour asking anyone he could find if they had spare change for the binoculars on the viewing platform (‘You just can’t see Roosevelt properly from here’) before the Master finally took pity on him and emptied out his own pockets.

#14 Music

After much argument, the Doctor convinced the Master to go see a Beethoven concert with him, on the condition that afterwards they would go listen to some real music, namely, a Scissors Sisters concert.

#15 Silk

‘So… exactly whose silk underwear is this?’ Martha asked, emerging from the laundry room in a state of shock.

#16 Cover

In the middle of dinner, the Master loudly announces “Doctor, if you don’t stop stealing the blankets you are sleeping on the couch tonight.’

#17 Promise

‘I swear I will not ruin anyone’s lives if you leave me alone for an hour while you tour your museum,’ the Master says solemnly, his fingers crossed behind his back.

#18 Dream

‘Doctor, I know you enjoy this sort of thing, but if I have to sit through Martin Luther King’s speech one more time, I am going to throttle either him or you.’

#19 Candle

Their hosts were incredibly persistent, pressing gifts and food on them in thanks for saving their village, and the Master was all for it, until he took a bite of one of the delicious looking cakes and discovered that it bore more resemblance in taste to a scented candle than any actual pastry.

#20 Talent

The Master isn’t impressed with the Doctor’s ability to touch his nose with his tongue, but he quickly changes his mind when the Doctor decides to use his flexible tongue for other purposes.

#21 Silence

After they leave the 60s, the Doctor dances around singing Beatles songs until the Master is forced to gag him before his ears spontaneously combust.

#22 Journey

The Tardis was mad at the Doctor for some reason, and consequently, the kitchen vanished, which required the Doctor to pose an expedition to find it, complete with a trail of string to prevent him from getting lost.

#23 Fire

‘Honestly, Doctor, how did you manage to set your tie on fire making tea?’

#24 Strength

They went to a little Indian restaurant for lunch, and one thing led to another until the Doctor dared the Master to drink an entire bottle of hot sauce, and was quite surprised when he did, and moreover, managed to last more than a minute before running to find water.

#25 Mask

‘I don’t know what’s so exciting about a Hallowe’en party at Torchwood,’ the Master grumbled, putting on his Batman costume; ‘I think you just want to go cause Jack’s dressed as a Rockette.’

#26 Ice

The Doctor looked absolutely adorable, running around the beach with ice cream on his face and chasing seagulls, but he was beginning to scare some of the parents, so the Master caught him as he came past and pulled him down to sit on the sand for a while.

#27 Fall

‘Fall on Arcturus Minor is the most beautiful time of year in this solar system,’ the Doctor said happily, ducking to avoid the apple the Master threw at his head.

#38 Forgotten

‘We were best friends in school, and we’ve known each other for nine hundred odd years,’ the Master grumbled, ‘So how, exactly, did you manage to forget my birthday?’

#29 Dance

The Doctor had decided to go to a shopping centre to buy new trainers, but he discovered a candy store instead, so the Master had to park him in an arcade to wear off the subsequent sugar high by beating a succession of fifth graders at Dance Dance Revolution.

#30 Body

‘Doctor, you definitely need to eat more, because I just about impaled myself on your elbow.’

#31 Sacred

The cause of the argument had been the Master suggesting a destination, and the Doctor vetoing it on the grounds that he was not going to a planet where they worshipped the Master as a god.

#32 Farewells

At least once a week the Master announces that he’s tired of the Doctor and is leaving to wreak havoc on his own, and the Doctor lets him go, because he always changes his mind and comes back before an hour’s passed.

#33 World

‘Did you know there’s a planet made entirely of chocolate?’ the Doctor said, his eyes gleaming, and the Master made a mental note to cut his sugar intake.

#34 Formal

It took a lot of convincing to make the Master abandon his suit, and afterwards he donned a bright purple tracksuit and swore to wear it everywhere in retaliation.

#35 Fever

‘Look, just because I got sick at the full moon, it does not mean I’m turning into a werewolf,’ the Doctor said in annoyance as the Master piled silver and garlic around him, then added ‘Anyway, garlic’s for vampires.’

#36 Laugh

The Master retreated to his room in a sulk after the Doctor had laughed at him and said he looked like a chipmunk when he smiled.

#37 Lies

‘Why no, Doctor, I have no idea who switched your conditioner with hair dye… although you do look very nice with pink hair.’

#38 Forever

‘You are joking,’ the Master laughed so hard he was almost in tears; ‘Jack actually fainted when you told him we were getting married?’

#39 Overwhelmed

‘I’m sorry, Doctor, but now I’ve got Torchwood on my side and you are outnumbered, which means we will be having Chinese for lunch, even if you can’t use chopsticks.’

#40 Whisper

The Doctor became convinced that the nearby Judoon fleet was monitoring all communications in the Tardis, and therefore spent the entire day designing a new, secure communication system and speaking in whispers, which gave the Master a welcome respite from his usual hyperactive babble.

#41 Wait

‘Well, you know how it is, I got bored waiting for you to buy milk -‘ the Master began, but the Doctor interrupted him: ‘So you overthrew the planetary government?!’

#42 Talk

‘Can’t we at least talk about this?’ the Doctor begged, but the Master said firmly ‘No, we are not getting a dog.’

#43 Search

‘So, anyway,’ the Master explained at breakfast, ‘Yesterday I came up with a brilliant plan to take over the Earth using only Google, a shortwave radio, and five paperclips.’

#44 Hope

‘Don’t worry about him, Doctor,’ Jack said, trying to sound confidant; ‘He’s good, much as I hate to admit it, and there’s no way he’d let himself get taken down by some dalek.’

#45 Eclipse

‘Have you suddenly turned into a teenage girl when I wasn’t paying attention?’ asked the Master, and the Doctor looked up from his book in surprise; ‘Why else would you be reading that soppy, badly written vampire romance?’

#46 Gravity

‘I don’t think you quite understand the gravity of the situation!’ the Doctor exclaimed, running his hands through his hair in frustration before continuing, “We’re under arrest because you just about blew up Australia, this is not the sort of thing you laugh about!’

#47 Highway

Really, the Doctor should have known better that to let the Master get involved in the planning of their little day trip, so he was mentally kicking himself by the time they ended up on the side of a deserted highway somewhere in Scotland, in the rain, trying to hitch a ride back to the Tardis.

#48 Unknown

When a young woman in London, slightly drunk, walks up to the Master and asks him who he is, because he seems familiar, the Doctor has to clamp a hand over his mouth to prevent him from answering and causing an incredibly awkward situation.

#49 Lock

The Master never figured himself for the sentimental type, but when he went through one of his old journals and discovered a lock of the Doctor’s hair pressed between the pages, he decided maybe he’d miscalculated.

#50 Breathe

‘Whew,’ said the Master as they leaned against the door of the Tardis panting and trying to catch their breath, ‘You have to be the only person who can spark off an angry mob while trying to order chips.’

almost fic, doctor who

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