Apr 11, 2005 00:45
I don't really know what is with this revolution of old rock music that is going on in my life. I guess I decided to actually use my itunes for music instead of being psycho about not taking up too much room on my computer. I realized that I wasn't taking up too much room: I wasn't taking up any room at all. So that is rediculous and I went through all my cds one weekend and put a bunch of random songs on there from cds that I never listen to but remember liking one or two songs on. Anyway, I guess that is how I wound up listening to bands like bush and incubus again. Well, it doesn't matter. Stellar still rocks.
It is so unbelievably beautiful outside. Yesterday and today I did nothing but walk around the park and the common and sit and read outside and it was amazing that the weather was good enough for that. It's as if every February I lose my memory or something, because I am always shocked to experiencee the beauty that is spring.
In other news: I have SO MUCH HOMEWORK that for the next few weeks I will absolutely not be able to experience this great weather. I must lock myself up in my room and get some freaking work done. Seriously. I am rediculous. I have to stop gliding by on my ability to fake being studious. It's a great talent, but one that ends up screwing me every time. Bleh.
But, my mom is coming. That is where I would an exclamation point if I weren't completely against the use of that punctuation mark altogether. But I'm excited, and its pretty unbelievable because she just told me last week that she was coming. My sister is going to come up for the weekend and so we will all be together for a few days. I only wish my dad could come, but I'm sure I'll see him soon. Anyway I should go now, because I am so stressed that my typing is seriously suffering from my occasional bouts of dyslexia (sp?). Peace.