Ryoma is a waterbender who tried to kill Bolin and has a pet Fire ferret
http://en.shindanmaker.com/215279 The more you know...
So I've been playing Lemmings lately. It's... weird. Like... I get attached to those stupid little weirdos, right? And then they die. They always die, sooner or later. Especially on the levels where you're required to at least kill off some. And then I get all sad. Because. Pixels blew up.
Korra ending was lameass and deus ex machina and all that. Didn't care for it much. Been watching it online, because. Not on Japanese nickelodeon yet. I think. Not like I'm stalking that channel or anything.
[ooc: Slowly working myself back from hiatus, but gimme a little bit? I'll be back full-swing come Monday, I hope. ♥]