holy long entry, that u don't have to read

Dec 31, 2005 00:40

"would you not like to be, sitting on top of the world with me?"

so yesterday was GREAT!
so i woke up to george and katie stealing my goldfish, which kinda sucked lol. so i had to watch them for a few hours which was fun but i was super tired cause i stayed up till like 4 the night before. georgie kept calling everyone a "boob" and katie had to try on all of my shoes and messed up my room.
so they left around 2-ish and then around 4 we left to pick up shan, marisa, tracy, and shelbey for the mall. basically, WE HAD A BLAST! we malled for an hour or two and the went to fridays for dinner. it was great! our waiter was so-so. and we told them it was marisa's b-day cuz we didnt wanna pay for dessert lol. her b-day IS actually in like, 2 days so its all good lol. we told them her name was "maurice" and when they sang it they were like "MARIEEEEEE!" lmfao. our bill came to like, $71 and it took us FOREVER to figure out who owed what lol. we only tipped the waiter like, $5! lol, my mom told me today that if im ever a waitress, to hope that i don't wait on young kids or black people cause they don't tip. haha i love my mom! then we went back to the mall for a little bit and this guy in the sports store asked shan and me what we were doing for new years lol. how weird?
so we left the mall at like, 9 and all went back to marisa's. it got a little CRAZY! haha. shan, shelb, and me all slept on her futon and maris and trac slept on her bed. shannon wore some pretty sexy pants i do have to say lmao. we watched 10 things i hate about you which i loved! we stayed up till like, 2-ish just being assholes and taking pictures. her dad is so cute, and her brothers nice just a lil annoying haha.
the next morning we ate donuts and watched a home video lol. then my mom took shan and me home around 12. and so today, i saw king kong. even though i slept through the beginning it was pretty GREAT! then we went out to dinner again, this time with mom, dad and michael. then came home, talked to shan on the phone, listened to death cab on my new speakers, and watched top model. (winter break has been so great!)
and now i'm here lol...
probly montante's for new years tomorow. party right? i'm pumped for 06 baby!
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