Jul 16, 2005 00:15
Dave's party was a BLAST! They were playin racist poker when we got
there lol..Ben and me went into daves room, and turned the cataloge to
the granny panties lol "Find the pregnant lady section" haha "OO Dave
what do you use that for" lol...and we sprayed the axe, it wasn't
flammable lol..."Guys im fucking nude" lol...."I don't want a preview I
want the opening night!" (i think thats what it was) but lol...and we
had like a war in daves pool with the matress..Then we roasted hot dogs
and marshmallows..Will was suposed to get stuff for s'mores but he came
back with s'more candy bars lol..."Hey Mr. Turner, can you get me a
hotdog?" "Yea I got one for ya!" lol good times in the pool with
Shannon and Allison hehe
I'm seriously in love with Jim. It's amazing. I got to see him 3 times this week which was great.
Were going to pennsilvania this weekend for Craigs wedding, should be alot of fun I think.