Forceful Asian Vamps rule!!

Jun 10, 2005 18:57

Hah!! Today was awesome! Long entry today...

Nate deff doesn't appreciate good music lol..he was makin fun of dmb..he goes "yea do u really think im the type of kid whos gonna listen to that?" but i told him theres black guys in dmb tho lol...The assembly was super boring..but we got our yearbooks so its all good!

Heather told me that Steph told Jim to break up with me cause she doesn't wanna see me get hurt..and cause she says he doesn't hang out with me enough..It's good for her too be looking out for me..and i appreciate that..but the last thing i want to happen right now is too break up with him.

Then we went to mcdonalds and i got a happy meal and a parfait!! i even got a toy too! but it wasn't like a fun one, it was this binder thing..ugh w/e

I wish we would have taken that ride with Syd cause the walk home was SUPER hot!!! Then Jim came back to my house, which reminds me i need to give him his yearbook back...

Then Jim, Shan, Shelbey, Heather, Jen, Jon Pawarski, Dave, and some other kid and me played baseball..It was so much fun! It was so much funner than i thought it would be. Szuz even stopped by for a little..Our team soo won 2! Euugh...gross Dave deff needs to keep his shirt on and keep his pants up lol..We should make these baseball games like a weekly thing cause it was so much fun!!! Stein decided not to sucks cause she would have loved it!!!

Then we talked about our fetishes lol..well Shelby, Shan, and Allisons

Talked to Jim about some stuff today thats been botherin me i guess..i think we worked it out which im happy about! I don't even care that he's not bowling...i got to see him like, all day..I gotta remember to not use big words around him lol

Tonight im goin bowling with Syd and Steph..and then whoever else is goin..should b fun but im a pretty sucky bowler..idk tho i havent done it in a while..

Then tomorow Jim and Me are going to this orientation for the hospital volunteer thing were doing..should actually not be fun lol

Then the rest of the weekend i'll be in Pennsilvania(sp?) I'm so pumped to cause my aunt nancy got a golf cart and i get to drive it!!! I dunno tho cuz last time i drove one my dad yelled at me cause i was being "too crazy with it" and he wouldnt let me use it anymore lol..haha i crashed into a tree last time lol

See ya'll on MONDay!! Read the joke in my last entry, its seriously hilarious!! lmao  
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