frickin bored do you have to be to fill this thing out? lol..

May 19, 2005 15:04

But probably even more if you read all of it!! lol...

1) First Name Spelled Backwards: nagem
2) Middle Name Spelled Backwards: yelhsa
3) Last Name Spelled Backwards: ozzut

4) Your Half-Birthday: what's that??
5) What type of milk do you drink?: Skim
6) What is the most sentimental thing you own?: Anything my grandpa gave me
7) Have any imaginary friends?:
8 ) When was the last time you brushed your teeth?: a few minutes ago
9) Do you listen to Christmas music in July?: sure!

10) What is the first thing that comes to mind when I say January?: my birthday
11) May?: schools almost out!
12) November?: thanksgiving break
13) July?: DMB concert! i swear its the last time I mention it
14) April?: rain, aprils suposed to be the rainy month right?
15) February?: V-day
16) October?: Halloween
17) August?: last chance to tan
18) March?: michaels b-day
19) December?: CHRISTMAS DAMNIT! lol
20) June?: schools out!
21) September?: back to schol

21) What color is your blanket?: Pink
22) What was the last movie you bought?: Billy movie ever!
23) Last CD you bought?: stand up-dmb
24) What radio station do you listen to?: 98.5
25) Are you the only child, oldest child, middle child, or youngest child?: Oldest
26) If you do have brother(s) or sister(s) put them in alphabetical order, including yourself: jillian, megan, michael
27) Do you have anything on your bedroom walls?: posters, shelfs
28) How many windows in your home?: want me to seriously count them? around 20
29) How many pairs of shoes do you own?: we'll just say alot...
30) What's the weirdest song title you've ever heard of?: I am the walrus-the beatles
31) Whats the worst movie you've ever seen?: The day after tommorow
32) Whats the worst CD you've ever listened to?: Lord of the rings soundtrack
33) What US State would you NEVER want to visit?: Arkansas
34) What country would you NEVER want to visit?: Antarctica
35) What is your least favorite color?: Brown
36) What is your favorite flavor Fanta (the soda)?: Never had it
37) Do you have any scars?: Yes
38) Do you know anybody in the Army, Navy, Marines, or any other group?: Yes
39) What color goes good with Blue?: Tan
40) Green?: pink
41) Grey?: Black
42) Orange?: Pink
43) Red?: Orange
44) Yellow?: Pink
45) Purple?: Pink
46) What is your favorite character in 'Harry Potter'?: Profesor Lupin..yeah i read em lol..what now!
47) 'Lord Of The Rings'?: Pippin
48) 'Grease'?: Frenchy
49) Have you ever seen 'Life Is Beautiful'?: No
50) What about 'Monsters Inc.'?: Yes, to many times
51) Do you like Scooby Doo?: Eh..not really
52) Describe your perfect place to live (imaginary or not): Heaven
53) Does your back hurt?: Kinda, from working out
54) Do you collect anything?: Yes, clothing tags
55) Have you ever been to camp?: Yes, soccer camp and football camp
56) Do you have a car? I guess you could say yes
57) If you don't have a car, would you name it? Yes
58) What is your perfect car?: Porsche Carrera GT, in black
59) What family member are you closest to?: Cousin Alex
60) What family member do you wish you were closer to?: Cousin Brittany
61) Do you consider pets as family?: Sure
62) Do you look at a calander daily?: No
63) What is your least favorite holiday?: I like them all
64) Do you like getting air-mail?: What's air-mail?
65) Would you ever go on a cruise?: HELL YES!
66) How many phones do you have in your home?: 6
67) Do you own or wear a watch?: I own some, but i don't wear em lol
68) Do you wear any jewelry? If so what do you wear?: Bracelets, sometimes neclaces
69) Where do you wish you were right now?: Florida
70) With whom?: Jim, Steiner, Shannon
71) Doing what?: tanning
72) Have you ever had a sepia photo taken of you?: No
73) What is your least favorite WB movie?: I don't really watch WB
74) Do you own any hats? Is yes, what kinds?: Some visors, some regular ones, i don't wear then though
75) Do you own anything that is older then you?: Yes, my bed
76) How many hours of sleep did you get last night?: 9
78) Have you ever won a ribbon?: Yes, for school cause i'm so damn smart lol
79) Do you save old birthday/christmas/whatever cards given to you?:Yes!
81) Ever been to Disneyland?: A couple times
82) Ever been to Universal Studios?: Nope
83) Ever seen the cockpit of an airplane?: Yes
84) Ever made a movie?: Yes lol
85) Geometry or Algebra?: Algebra
86) Poems or Short Stories?: Neither lol
87) AIM or MSN?: AIM
88 ) MSN or Yahoo?: MSN
89) AIM or Yahoo?: AIM
90) Windows or MAC?: Windows
91) What is your least favorite number?: 1
92) What was the last thing you said?: Damnit!-to the tv cause dr. phil is boring today
93) What are you sitting on?: the computer chair
94) Have you been outside today?: Yep
95) What have you done today?: went to school...walked with jim...learned a ride home from laura..filled out this gay thing
96) Do you like apple or orange juice?: Apple
97) Do you like cats or dogs more?: Doesn't matter
98) What is your most favorite reptile?: Frogs, i guess
99) Would you rather fish or hunt ?: Hunt! fishing is so boring!
100) Are you sleepy?: Yeah..
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