Dec 18, 2006 23:18
yearbook worknight was tonight. that was fun. i love worknights. then i had to go to krogers to get juice, milk, etc. for band breakfast tomorrow. and chris was on a break or something and he came and carried all my stuff because he's a sweetie like that. (: but then i had to fend for myself to get it to my car.
tomorrow after school deadline night. break at 4 for a lesson (boo!!!!!!!!) then back to deadline. we get pasta from larossa's for dinner! yum!! then maybe leaving at 6:45ish for worldview study if danielle doesnt need me anymore. maybe going back after worldviews is over, which is 8:15ish. then probably staying at school until 10-11ish. then crashing.
wednesday school, and about a million super hard tests and stuff! and the short story due (boo! although i already did most of it). maybe some more work with yearbook after school for a tiny bit, if need be. then GIRLS NIGHT!!!!! consisting of fancy dinner somewhere and dressing up, getting movies and junk food, and slumbering!!!! (: yay. im sooooo excited!!!
p.s. i like a boy. and i throughly enjoy talking to him because he makes me smile. (: