the trick or treat meme。
"Trick or Treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat~ ♫
If you don't, if you dare, I'll pull down your ---- "
❖ Comment with your character(s). They can be in costume or not, they can be the trick-or-treater or they can be giving out candy - it's up to you.
❖ Other characters can come and bother them! Remember, it's not just about goodies during Halloween - it's about the tricks and pranks, too.
❖ Optional: Your character can magically become whatever they're dressed up as (i.e. werewolf costume = suddenly a real werewolf; ballerina costume = sudden skill as a ballerina, idk, etc.). Run with it however you want to. Remember to indicate it in the subject line so people will know what to expect if you choose this option!
❖ Have fun and play nice. Go forth and pimp the meme if you like! style="text-decoration: none;">the trick or treat meme。