Title: Red For Cassiopeia
Pairing: Yoosu, OT5
Rating: PG/PG-13
Genre: Angst, drama, horror, romance
Length: Oneshot, 1078 words.
Summary: Someone wants to kill Dong Bang Shin Ki. Who ... and why?
A/N: A result of recent Yoosu-love overload and stress. Doesn't make much sense ... but reality never did make sense anyway.
Surprise. )
I should've guessed it was Yoochun! Chunnie! *shudders*
so in the end, it's trufax? Jaehomin has really perished? or it hasn't yet but he's really set to make the red to happen forealz?
ahhh!!!! *runs in a circle*
You can think it both ways. Either it happened already and Junsu's the last victim or it hasn't and Yoochun's set to kill. It's sort of like a warped cycle in a nightmare. That's the weird idea I had. Ok I'm not making any sense even to myself. >_<
Ahhhhhhh!!! *joins you in running in a circle*
hmph! you're trying to advert my attention to thinking it was Minnie, and it worked! But then he got killed first and I was like o.o" ahh! who the heck is it?!
aish. for my own sanity, I would like to think it'd happened and Chunnie just love Junnie too much to even think of ever hurting him. I don't mind the Jaehomin. their bad. *gets slaughtered*
no, no , you makes perfect sense! let's just see what the other readers might think of it mmkay? *lurks around in dark corner*
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