Title: Two's Company but Three's a Crowd
Pairing: Jaesu, Yoosu, brief mention of Changmin
Genre: Angst, drama, horror, romance
Length: Fiveshot
Rating: PG/PG-13, mention of sex
Summary: Junsu and Yoochun move to a new town, hoping for a new beginning and a happy ending. But Fate in the form of Kim Jaejoong is determined to do them in.
A/N: Ack. I'm
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I found one late-nighter.
There're so much mystery and who is Changmin? Did you mean, Changmin = Jaejoong. > < Did Jaejoong likes Junsu purely out of lust or there is something else? I have so many questions for this story.
acks .....................yes i expected that. *cringes*
there's no particular fixed way to how you can view Changmin, but for me while i was writing i had him as mind as a random stranger who Jaejoong possessed to warn Junsu that he was getting impatient. but you can view him as ..... one of JJ's underlings? or just a random demon. any way is fine :)
jaejoong likes junsu purely because he's bored with life and he finds junsu interesting. i think i talked about it briefly in part 1, where jj treats su as just a plaything.
acks ............ fail. there's too many flaws in this!!!!!!!! epic fail. D: D: D:
okay i'll just go bury myself now
Ah... I get what you mean of Changmin. Cameo appearance. XD XD I know you explained the plaything at part 1, but I just refuse to believe Junsu is merely a plaything to Jaejoong's eyes. I just refuse. :D :D
its such a coincidence we both decided to stay up late tonight! I was really surprised when I saw your reply comment. XD XD I didn't expect you to stay up late. Been busy?
you're right. i have many loose ends to tie which i don't think i did at all in the later parts all i can advise you to do is ... RUN AWAY WHILE YOU STILL CAN! things are going to get messier and uglier and dramatic-er and idiot-er and stupider with the next part ...... oh gosh. i hope i don't let you down with this.
It's a shallow story. it's a shallow story. please don't think too much think very very very very little when you're reading this. it's just plain shallow.
hahah i refuse to believe it too. junsu's precious to everybody. xD
xD SAME HERE. yeah, busy, it's the norm xD how about you? it's really really late now haha xD
junsu's precious to everybody.
I agree.^^
I'm crazy enough to tidy my room late at 1am to 3am last night. XD XD I'm not exactly really busy from school, they're all personal stuff. It's really tiring lately. Even to just think about it.
oh ... i understand. sometimes i get so plagued down that i'm frustrated and emo and all-that-shitty-moods just start to overwhelm me and i'm exhausted. it's okay. bad times will pass soon ... you can do it :)
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