Here is some (possibly?)hopeful news for everyone who is like me, concerning the state of Petrellicest. Spoilers ahead.
Here's a reason why I think Nathan (the real Nathan, not Sylar) might really come back.
In "Acceptance", before Sylar!Nathan was shot and buried, the killer took off his Navy ring.
In this blue-screen pic of a future episode, we see Nathan and Peter together:
and--wait--what is that on your finger, Nathan?
Is that your ring? Now how in hell did you get that?
Anyone care to comment on how this could happen?
But who knows. Maybe Sylar is going to find out what happened and still insist on pretending to be Nathan, and somehow get it back. The last episode of the year 2009 is titled "The Fifth Stage". Does that refer to the fifth stage of grief, which is, acceptance? What the hell is going to happen? Especially since in a later episode, titled "Thanksgiving", when they're all on screen together, Angela, Peter, Nathan, and Sylar? Are the writers really going to drag this out until the eighteenth episode and make me sit and wonder for another unbearable hiatus?
Should I just give up on this show?
Should I just write fic where Nathan never died in the hotel, he and Peter killed him, and Peter and he have smoking hot brother!sex next to Sylar's cooling corpse, to paraphrase
rtwofan? Will I ever shake this stupid writer's block?
Next time on Heroes: Is Adrian Pasdar really going to be out of a job, guys?