Title: Afterthoughts
Pairing: Peter/Claire
Rating: PG
Warnings: Implied Incest, Angst
Disclaimer: I do not own Heroes or its characters. I make no money from the writing of this story.
Spoilers: Takes place in Season 1.
Summary: Peter is confused.
A/N: For
commen_sense. Maybe I'll write you a longer one later, but for now this is what I came up with.
What have I done?
I was supposed to protect Claire.
I was supposed to lead her down the right path.
Instead I gave in to my own desire.
She didn’t stop me. She didn’t fight me. She knew what I wanted, and she gave it to me without a second thought.
Was it what she wanted?
Can I ever tell her how I feel? Or do I need to hide in my brother’s shadow? Do I need Nathan’s permission?
No. I don’t. He didn’t want her.
I do.