(no subject)

Aug 20, 2008 04:25

I am laughing so hard right now.

The 5 Most Baffling Sex Scenes in the History of Fanfiction

Except I take offense to them all being slash. Umm, I'll admit that most of the weird pairage I've read has been slash, but that's because most of what I read is slash. Biased sample. There's some pretty f'd up het around too.

Mostly I take offense (and this is the whole reason I'm actually laughing) because I'VE READ THE FIRST ONE AND I LIKED IT KAYTHX!

And on a personal front. Still have nothing packed. I think I'm avoiding it because I'm scared. Cohab asked me which bed I prefer and I've got no idea, simply because I can't visualize the room setup in my mind. It does actually really matter to me, having to do with that sleeping vulnerability primal-tastic issue I've got, but I can't quite articulate the requirements (part of that being a -primal- vulnerability issue thing). I can't have my head by the door. And the other person has to be in such a position that were a mad axe murderer to enter during our sleep, she'd get killed first. (That sounds horrible, but it's not a conscious, I'm afraid of mad axe murderers thing. It's a "I can't sleep with anyone else in the room" thing, so sure as hell nobody gets to come in and surprise me.) It's pretty obviously a loltrust issue; deep down I've sort of associated sleep with vulnerability--being able to sleep in front of someone is like when your dog knows you're its master and bares its belly to you. It's exposing itself to all sorts of danger as a sign that you've dominated it. Being unconscious and vulnerable like that in front of other people is a trust level that I haven't reached--hell, that I have trouble with with my own family.

Dentist today and yesterday (and tomorrow, LOLOL). Today and yesterday were to get this cavity in the one side of my mouth that drill-breaking dentist #2 never got to before exhausting my insurance with her fraudulent-arsed billing. Because it was bugging me pretty heavily over the weekend. But they shoved the Diagnodent thing up there and poked around, and according to the fancy toy and the x-rays, neither of the cavities up there should be deep enough to be causing the pain (not even deep enough on the Diagnothingy to warrant the destruction of tooth to fill yet) and it was probably the tooth being irritated from having stitches right up the way between it and the next one that pulled down on the gums. And possibly sinus stuff. I was like "Erm, methinks not" as I'm pretty darn familiar with the various types of tooth pain, but I grabbed the explorer and poked it in the sore spots myself, and the dentist wiggled around the thing and said that yeah, it was a bigger stick than the Diagnodent indicated it would be, and that we prolly should fill it because it's bothering me, but that we could go ahead and wait until the insurance reset in October if I wanted to. Hellyes, I responded, even though it's sad because I won't be going back to that guy. Figures, I finally find a dentist (and hygenists/techs--I actually met with two of them, one yesterday when I got in so they could see if I needed OMG EMERGENCY cavity repair because it was still bugging the crap out of me and started the exam, and one this morning when I returned for the cleaning, and they were cool) that I actually really like, and he's out of network.

Tomorrow is just another checkup on the graft with the periodontist. It's really picked up in the healing, methinks. Like, it feels mostly attached now. I've been a little bit "to hell with the soft foods thing", just being careful, and there've been no problems. I managed to sneeze/stretch open the hole on the roof of my mouth a couple times over the last week and make it bleed again, which was not fun, but not lately, which makes me hope that it's finally healing up.

cohabs, guyslash, teeth

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