(no subject)

Jun 19, 2004 02:16


Things are better since last time I wrote. I’ve fixed shit and been appreciating things just a ton more. I gotta say, I really enjoyed all those comments you people left me. I like you.

So, after I wrote I ended up getting into a car accident, labeled as my fault. That sucks. But it really wasn’t my fault! (I’ll draw a picture at the end of my paragraph, and I’m gonna lable things with symbols. Try and follow my lead. Its like a shitty game.) Okay.. so, some god damn high-schoolers (@) were all stoked about their graduation and they were fuckin’ around, right? So, they were in this one car, facing the street that I was driving down, and they floored it towards a car(%) (this car being 2 cars ahead of me), just to freek it out, and just as quick as they floored it, they slammed on their breaks, causing the car 2 cars ahead of me to tweek and slam on its breaks, causing the car in front of me($) to do the same, as I(#) did the same.. but my car decided just not to stop. Bam. Fuck.


| ------
| % @
| $ ------
| #

That took forever..

Bad news; I hit a Ford. And as you all know, because it is common knowledge; Ford fucking sucks. So, the lady got an estimate, and I thought it would be in the 8-900 dollar range for a bent bumper, but no, cause it was BUILT FORD TOUGH, I bent the frame. I BENT the frame of an Explorer from a rear hit with my PLASTIC CAR at no more than 10mph! I mean.. give me a fuckin’ break.. isn’t that thing suppose to be a TRUCK of sorts? (SUV?) Last time I checked, it had the word UTILITY in the meaning of SUV. I was gonna just pay it out of my pocket and save my licence the dent.. but the bill came out to something around 2,800 bucks. Yay. So, thus ended that week from hell.

Two days later I drove it back home and my dad and I did a number on it. We pushed the grill back to where it needs to be and realigned the hood. So that was pimp. It acts like normal, just looks like it got into a fight and lost. I’m gonna get one of those car bras and just cover it up.. yeah, I know.. they’re ugly as all sin, but.. its better than what it looks like now.

Good news; I got a job. It’s a at Lens Crafters. I have to look all professional. I do the thing where I pick out glasses for people and what kind of lens' they should get and then I'll go back and make the glasses and so on. For now though, I’m just doing training, but it’s the shittiest training I've ever done. There’s more homework than I've had all year in a ton of books. Holy Shit. And all I've been doing is sitting in the Storage closet (I know its the storage closet cause it fuckin’ says Storage on the door..) and work on this computer.. doing CDRoms of various training programs. Tomorrow will be day 3.. but I think I'm done with the cds tomorrow.. but 2 eight hour shifts in a row of sitting in a closet.. working on “homework”. I guess its okay considering I’m getting paid, but, I wasnt about to snap.. I straight snapped. Finally the computer "had an accident" and it "crashed". I was over the computer shit for the day, but once I get out I get to work in a lab.. I get my OWN lab coat! And I get to work with chemicals and computers that cut stuff!! Computers that cut things!! Thats soo 1980's version of 2004!

Sunday is Dad-Day. Don’t forget Pa.

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