Coffeeeeeeeee and other stuff

Mar 20, 2004 19:45

i just bought a Caffetiere and a bag of columbian medium roast coffee...:):):):):)

i feel very bouncy right now

okay.. erm was wandering round Preston today on hunt for "STUFF" (tm) found lots of cool glassware and lanterns in Au Naturele.

Homebase have tea light, oil and storm lanterns and BBQ stuff in.

Argos has its summer range coming in.

T J Hughes also sell the same model and also had one put up in the shop.. so we could have a gander.. we thought this would or could be useful as a meeting thing.. I have the square version.

Argos also sell one of these:

ikea do these*10242

which i know from experience are excellent as they shed the light from a tea light everywhere without the tea light beign blown out by the wind and also you can used them in a plastic tent without worrying about them burning it to the floor. they are also galvanised steel which means they won't rust.

which looks interesting too.

I know people don't want to spend huge ammounts on stuff, but thought people would like to know these are out there. as they would be good for gardens too:)

I've put this on my general journal so that everyone can have access to the information

larp-maelstrom, life, crafty

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