Jun 09, 2010 17:39

hot today. wearing the junes apron was hell.


so, yeah. when you're lying on your bed and you tilt your head off the side? you get this weird floaty feeling. like your head is full of clouds or marshmallows or that disgusting cotton candy that junes sells. ....or like fog. lol.

then you spring back up and all the blood rushes out of your head and it actually hurts for a second. it's kinda entertaining.

yeah, i'm that bored.

typing this on my phone so i bet i'm gonna end up with a crapload of typos. oh well right?? no one but me is reading this. if i wanted to, i could talk about how hot kashiwagi makes me and no one would kno.

ok. ew. nvm.

but. its strange. knowing that the tv stuff is all over. what am i gonna do now?? life sucked before the murders. i'm a jackass, aren't i. (sup jiraiya)

...... yeah, i still have ppl to hang out with. which is a huuuuuuuge step up (sure kanji gets freaky sometimes, but he's usually a cool guy) but my life will now be SCHOOL JUNES SCHOOL JUNES SCHOOL JIUNES. throw in a little GET KICKED IN THE BALLS BY A PSYCHO CLASSMATE and some WAIT NOT SO PATIENTLY FOR YOUR BEST FRIEND TO HAVE TIME FOR YOU and there you have it. the exciting life of inaba's most eligible bachelor.

there's noone here and i can still hear the laughter. siiiiigh.

still... that should be great!! fish-eyes is on his way to jail. and it does feel damn good to know that we're the ones who helped put him away. but its like.............. everyone else has their hobbies and stuff. but what do i have??

idk. i'm trying though.

yeah. i pulled out my old guitar case today. started coughing because there was this gross feathery dust everywhere. nose started trailing snot so i had to stop and find a tissue (of course the tissue box on my desk was empty AAAAARAAAAAAAAAAAARGH TEDDIE)

after cursing teddie to hell, i made sure he wasnt home. if that stupid bear knew that i played, the whole of inaba would know in about 3sec. sometimes i want to WRING HIS NECK. it would be worth the jailtime. ANYWAY so i then pulled out my guitar. had to restring it, because the strings were covered in rust. WTF. i didn't even know guitar strings could rust over. nicked my face with the e string when i went to trim the edge off. wasnt deep, so i ignored it.

manly man hanamura, right?? i'm just not gonna mention that i went and got a bandaid a few minutes later. that sticky feeling of blood OOZING down your cheek..... gross,man.

fingers hurt like a bitch when i went to play. yeah, fighting with knives and kunai and etc etc means that my hands are still super calloused, but the callouses are in the wrong places. i had to take breaks every 5 min, otherwise i swear the strings wouldve cut through my fingertips. ....then everything i touched wouldve been red. lol. like king midas. king yosuke -- everything he touches turns to red!!! ...that would make a really shitty story.

so i was taking one of those breaks, getting kinda pissy because... MANLY MAN HANAMURA shouldn't have to take breaks... when i hear soujis voice. i forgot to lock the front door. i've never been more happy about the speed that training has given me, because i managed to shove my guitar AND the case under my bed before souji made it all the way up.

souji's cool. he's my best friend, i'd die for him, i'd even bequeth (?) all of my glorious stash to him. everybody knows this. well, the best friend part, not the porn part.

and it's not like i care if he listens ..... well. maybe i do, kinda, but that's not the point. he's souji. knowing him, as soon as the subject of guitars comes up, he'll yell MOON PRISM POWER and transform into SAILOR GUITARIST

ok he wouldn't be that lame. still. i just...... it's great that he's so damn talented, but the guitar is MY thing. maybe that's selfish???? but i don't want to find out that he's awesome at that, too. he's better than me at EVERYTHING ELSE. i mean. everything. i can't think of a single thing that i can do better. hell he could probably work my shifts better. make my parents happier. ride my goddamn bike better. i can't even picture him rolling about in a trashcan.

it's stupid but.... i guess i am stupid. sorry, souji. maybe i'll stop being such a jealous jackass someday. but i still like you!!!!

if i told him that? he'd probably smile and say something like "Don't worry, Yosuke, I'll give you all the time that you need. In fact, I'll even give you this chocolate bar because you look like you could use a snack." and then i'll feel like shit for thinking about him like this because he really doesn't TRY to act ~*superior*~, he's just a great of a guy. i'm ....... not.

SO somehow i managed to depress myself by writing a blog entry?? whatever, im done with this. im gonna pass out if i don't sit back up.

except im the only one here

this is pathetic.

journal entry, timeline: post mitsuo capture
