Jul 17, 2005 22:05
Wow Alaska was so awesome...i had the best times and i met some really awesome people! the second night we met this girl named Allie and we also met up with the stalkers evan,brandon, and stefan. They were pretty nice at first but then they got really annoying...like always calling our room and asking if we were interested in them..but allie just told them to F*** off and they finally left us alone. But then we met Sam, Alex, and we got to know Brenna.but we were all in the teen club type thing and it was soooo awesome. At least 4 times there were dances and you kno that they were awesome. btu then there were other activities to do. One night therre was a movie night but then there was the dating game an di dont think i have ever done something so stupid im my life. it was hilarious tho. me and lisa and this other girl were the contestants and we didnt know that one of the stalkers was the bachlor and it was pretty funny. Needless to say i wasnt chosen but lisa was and it was weird...no commment there. but anyways... we got to do scavenger hunts,and karyoake. but lisa,allie,sharon,sam,alex and i would get like 12 cartons o f milk and cookies...of course Allie went around screaming TITTIES AND BEER! it was great!
But off the ship sharon, lisa, and i went horse back riding with my aunt and uncle through Alaska and it was really pretty... even when we saw the wild wolves. but i got good pics! then we went whale watching and we saw alot of whales and it was incredible.. but we went through Traces Arm and we got to see little ice berges and the huge glaciers! it was sooo pretty.
Oh and i forgot to mention that sharon,lisa,brenna,allie, and i went to hip hop classes while we were on the ship...that was interesting to see. but it was great and i think me an dlisa are gonna do the dance at homecoming! LOL it should be very interesting!
But there are some pretty interestin and kinda disturbing pics of the three of us in the cabin when we were watching for this disco dance to start! and whne i get them i will be more than g;ad to show you just how much fun we really had!]
Other than that it was awesome! but im still getting use to the time change of 4 hours! that was the only crappy thing!
TTYL--an di dont know whats with my layout,..i gotta get it back...
and i get my wisedom teeth pulled tomorrow...woo hoo?