Modly Announcement #3

May 09, 2008 10:35


Go to it, crashers!

Now, a couple of things I've thought of just now, and I'll probably be adding to this as I think of more:

→DO NOT LET YOUR OOC KNOWLEDGE AFFECT IC KNOWLEDGE. Doubtless you, the player, will be figuring some things out because the mods may or may not be terrible at keeping secrets and mysteries from leaking a little. But make sure you remember that just because WE let something slip to YOU, does not mean your CHARACTER knows about it. Remember that character omniscience extends only as far as the barriers in their home country. Outside of that, they know just as much as anyone else.

I'm just saying that because I'm a little paranoid. The mods have big plans, and part of the fun is keeping the surprises, and letting the characters figure everything out on their own. :)

→TAGS. This may seem like a really really random next topic, but I just want to make sure that we start things off on a good foot. Tag the fandom_crash posts with your character's name. For now, I think that's all you really need. When you introduce a character, you can add an "intro" tag. If recurring themes start popping up, we'll throw in a tag for them. If you have a real life post on the main comm, you can tag that with "rl".

Um. I can't think of anything else at the moment. It's likely I'll be coming back here and going "OH WAIT I JUST REMEMBERED!" But for now, you're safe. :D

modly post

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