Apr 09, 2006 23:59
Wow, I sure haven't touched this thing with a really long pole lately. LJ just isn't where the action's at, I suppose. =P
Spent last weekend at MIT's Campus Preview Weekend with 12 (!) other Stuy people (Cai, Richard A., Nathan, Anna S., Kerry, Steve T., Laura H., Ethan, Sho, Waicuma, Liz, Sam C... but who's keeping track?). I suppose it didn't have as much purpose for me since my mind was already set on MIT, but I hope it encouraged the less certain to look at it in a bright, happy light. =]
Though, I passively avoided the Stuy people most of the time (this is for meeting NEW people, after all!).
dabiggestDREAMer: it's a nice feeling, going outside and seeing the sun rising..
dabiggestDREAMer: it's nice doing it after staying up all night.. it felt almost as if.. as if nighttime weren't so big... as if i could conquer night
dabiggestDREAMer: i dunno
So I had my first all-nighter ever at MIT. Walking outside in the cool air and watching the sky slowly get brighter and lighter felt very serene. Now night passes as quickly as day.
Maybe I'll write more later, if anyone's here to read. Otherwise... I'm tired and still have homework to.. start. :(