Dec 27, 2005 16:17
LMAO! ok if you dumbaases think you got it bad listen to my lil x mas story, first i got this 1 gurl saying shes gonna kill herself bc of this guy she dated awhileago is feeling bad! im like ok what the fuck do you want me to about it its been almost a yr and you always cheated on him with like 10 different guys plus me lol of course thats not what i told her lol, then i got a few others wont leave me a fuckin lone about dating them! am i stupid who complains about that! so now i feel stupid but owell then my nose constantly bleeds now out of stress i cant go out in public bc i have ppl wantin to jump my ass lol plus im in no condition to fight! then lets see not to mention the almost 10000 dollars in fines with my whole family hating me lmao owell thell deal, now i have sumone else crying to me saying i ruined there life even though mines a hell of a lot worse but who cares right fuk jonathan, you know i couldnt even have a good xmas bc everyfukin time im happy sumone cums up to me for help and there stories are so depressing i cant be happy after it im not a fuckng doctor LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE! see y cant i say that to them instead i always hug them and say whats wrong lol see i will never be able to have a life bc of my fuked up friends (damn im sayin fuk alot today) u nkow the funny thing is theres only like 3 ppl not countin kat that reads this shit lol ,neways can sumone help me lol the one time i need help no ones there how ironic o yea and to top it off i havE to go to a funeral in a few hours great x mas right and since im so fin nice i sold my guitar to buy my parents sumthin for xmas but i felt srry for one of my friends so i split the money 50 50 haha so now ive been cleaning ppls gutters hopin i fall off the roof lol and now im shakin so bad bc i cant tell a gurl how much i love her even though she hurt me U KNOW WHO LOL and i dont want her to think im weak if i say it cause ive got even my parents cussin me calling me a pussy im like great thanx mom! love you to and she about sold my fuckin car bc of the money we owe so now i literally have to get a job but i aint cumin home smelling like fukin krystals!!!!!!!!! fuk that id rather die and i aint workin at kfc if my life depended on it cause i would kill brandon with a deep fryer lol but watever i love to ramble dont yall 3 ppl who listen lmao 3 ppl thats a riot oh and the funniest damn thing happened last night i got online and this 1 chik gets online apperently she new me even though shes in fukin california! and she asked me these crazy questions like how do guys masterbate! how the heck do you answer that! honestly then she asked me how gurls do! and she was seriuos im like how old are you! she was 16 and askin me this (crazy) and luckily for me this is cumin from no where i havent wanted sex in a good month lol ive been to bizzy makin a song on my guitar ! its awesum ill record it for yall lol yea! jeanette was proud of me yea i should be mad at her but i dont expect much outta her but kat i expected alot out of gueess she disapointed me damn this is long! so i guess it wasnt that bad my xmas break if it wasnt for my lil break up i never wouldve made this awesum fukin song gee i wonder if it was worth it!!!! FUCK NO! and dumbass kat just called me tellin me she would go back out with me if i stop writng stuff on my lj lol get over yourself! i may love you but i dont want neone for a while ,well mabe tasha lol dude she came up on xmas we took like a shit load of pix and she asked me for a shirt changed into it and stole it!!!! bitch! i meanit wasnt mo=ine it was sum gurls but mabe i wanted it lol yea she cums over almost every damn day but my motto before kat was y go out with one wen u ccan have 3 ! even if they do have bf's and are bigger than you lol well cya