Feb 20, 2005 23:35
dude my weekend was so fun i took my baby kat with me to gatlinburg we played lasertag and she kicked my ass bad but she cheated cause she kissed me and when i still had my eyes closed she shot me!!! and then we went shopin for stuff i got 3 new shirts and a patch and my baby took me out to eat for my b-day shes so sweet i cant wait for her b-day so i can take her out . o yeah we took and oldtimy picture it looked so cute .dude we walked for hours!! but it was worth it bein with her even though we almost froze our ass off lol. we went on this ski lift thing dude it was awsome it went pretty high. then i got a tatoo she tricked me she didnt get one! that was bullshit. then that night haha we werent allowed to sleep in the same bed so she slep with my mom and i made anexcuse to sleep in the floor right beside her and when they went to sleep i snook up there and kissed her alittle and my mom about rolled on her so she got down with me for awhile but we got caught lol oops! nuthin we didnt do nuthin bad though then the day we left we rode sum go-carts ha i spun out so many times cause it was wet and on the way home i held her the entire way i swear its so hard to let go of her cause its so comeforting havin her by my side and when we got home we danced alittle it was funny then made out alittle i wish it wasnt so hard to stop kissin her damn but it really is hard as hell cause i luv her to death and i dont ever wanna see her go, but the trip was literally the best time ive ever had in my intire life no joke! this guy up there kept talkin bout me and her gettin married YEAH RIGHT!! this boy and gettin married for a long time but if its anybody i wanna marry her one day in mabe 5-8 yrs but not now!! damn im way to young for that shit lol anyways im gonna end this bye bye love ya gurl with the beautiful smile