Nov 21, 2004 12:53
im comeing home tomorrow it seems like i was just there. o yeah update on the prank war is it was moved to diferent fronts and i must say we where victorious spite the casulties, luckily for my oponents they didnt push me into buying a feeder mouse and letting it loose in their room. i just picked my classes for next semester and i dont have any class from 12:05 on thurseday till 7:30 pm on monday freakin 4 day weekend. surf hasnt been to great but atleast my not so secret spot in st augie has. this weekend was alot of fun friday surfed the spot than headed back here and went to my friends apartment to party realy random people from the complex walked in, a us marine who said he got shot and started choping down a big tree and the asian lady who had half a beer and got drunk, than didnt want any more so i filled her can with oj and told her to drink it and stumble around so no one would keep trying to get her to drink it was pretty funny than sat surfed again at the spot than that night went to go see evergreen terrace anchors away i think they were called sabataj and 2 other bands that were real good play at a HOUSE for my friends birthday because my friends is roomates with the bass player for evergreen terrace, it was nuts it was so much fun the best show ive ever been to by far by the end of the night i was covered in beer sweat and bruses