charlie aint no angel(lame)

Aug 14, 2004 21:26

i saw that on a mailbox it made me laugh yet being so lame, well damage report is my neigborhood(orange tree got demolished) except my house other than a few shingles, we also lost power up until an hour ago which blew. so the night started off in the cane party chat room started by maria and i which i spent all of 4 hours in haha talking about drugs mostly it seemed like, my mom was freaking out it was so funny and i was so hyper because i finished the rest of my red bull stash off and was running around and crap makeing things worse. once the winds started i went outside i was kinda disapointed so i started banging on peoples windows and screaming it was funny because this morning they where all talking about it and wondering what it was hahahahahahahahah so we all waited out the storm in or living room looking out the big window we could see a fire across the pond i felt so bad for them and it was pretty wicked to see the power lines explode and light the sky blue. after the storm i went outside and found everyone else doing the same it was kinda like it brought the block togeather. me and my nirghbor walked around to get a look at damage and one tree fell right in the road so u cant even get throug we ended up seeing the english kid had his door open so we went in and who did i see but the fat drunk kid that i took the $20 from i asked him if he wanted be to buy him some cig but he was to drunk to get it that kid is always drunk hahaha, so i woke up decide my family didnt need my help and went surfing with luke it was alot of fun, i cant belive how much damge went all the way to the cost it was amazing, came home and just turned on some donavan played some guitar and fell asleep on the porch it was super chill woke up and went to sonics with my family to get slushies soooo good because we have to drink warm water it was so cold ahhhhhh, any way my brother got in his bitch mood and it was hot in my house so i called like a bigillion people and no one picked up or was in a movie or wasnt aloud out so i drove around and listen to sublime and less than jake than went to brians house because they had power and chilled until my power came on i hope everyone made out ok i herd like 80 people died in one place my prayers are with them
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