So I haven't updated much really because I've lost the will to, not because nothing's been going on. I finally got my car and I've been driving alot. Nothing's better than not having to depend on other people to get from place to place. I drove to Broadripple yesterday to see Teddy. It's about a 45 minute drive because I don't take the interstate there but believe me, seeing him is well worth the drive. PRN at Dicks sucks majorly. From what I hear that won't be going on anymore anyways. Atleast not at Dicks. DODGEBALL AT BROADRIPPLE PARK STARTS UP AGAIN THIS SUNDAY AT 3! So that's pretty cool. I've got 11 days of school left and I couldn't be happier about the summer being here. I got into Cosmotology and found out that my cousin guarentees me a job after I turn 18 and graduate. So that's all the motivation I need. Everything's been running smoothly for me I suppose. I've got my EMG today so hopefully that goes well. Wish me luck.