Nov 23, 2008 16:10
Gay people...seriously...just shut. the. fuck. up. As a whole, just shut the fuck up for two seconds! Quit pissing all over Obama because "he hasn't done anything for gay people yet" he's still the just the president-elect, you rainbow flag waving morons! He can't do anything yet. And even in Illinois he helped get a pretty heavy duty protect the queers bill put into law...quit blaming black people and latinos for the passage of prop 8. MAYBE if the gay community wasn't still segregated like we were living in 1950, and maybe if you sashaying assholes would try to educate people, especially people who are likely to disagree with you, the end result could have been different, but nooooo...silly little gay community forgets that most black people are Baptists, forgets that a good majority of latinos are Catholic and conveniently forgets that because of Barack Obama there was going to be an upsurge of minority voters, a good amount who are serious about their religion and who would vote for getting crackhead Bubba out of office, but not so that the gays could stay married. EPIC FAILURE on the part of gay people. EPIC! How in the hell they forgot the minorities would be storming the poll and instead decided to focus a majority of their No on Prop 8 campaign everywhere but where it was needed is beyond me. Seriously?! Quit blaming the blacks and the latinos for the passage of 8 when the gay community as a whole made zero effort to reach out. Kiss my black gay hypocritical assholes. If I hear one more gay person, or read about one more gay person, blaming the passage of Prop 8 on the minorities I'm going to get their IP address, inform them that I'm black and I also happen to be gay, right before my foot connects with their ignorant face...I'm just saying...the other amendments banning gay marriage passed, passed in "white" states, so please...just shut. the. fuck. up. There are currently more important things to be arguing about, like how to fix this fucked up economy that will displace not only gay people, but straight people as well. There's a more important crisis, you self-absorbed prada wearing ninnies.