Feb 12, 2007 19:29
Holy sheet. I suck at updating.
Requiem For a Dream is the most oddball movie I've seen in a while. And let's just leave it at that. Interesting. Children of Men was pretty good too. But the ending sucked major ass. It was terrible!!!!!!! L4yer Cake was most excellent! [The lovely Daniel Craig was in it!] I love accents. Especially funky Irish ones. [Did you know that they actually have an Irish language??] Dia duit. Diana atá orm. Conas tá tú?
OHOH! I really really want to watch Hannibal Rising and Pan's Labyrinth. I know they gave a really bad review for Hannibal, but I don't care!
24 is coming on in 45 minutes! 2 hours of the heavenly goodness today! Jack Bauer will rise above all terrorist and dominate this world! He will lurk within every shadow and leech away all evil! mUahahaha!
Snowboarding! So fun! let's go!!!!!!! [Not when it's raining and soggy because it's gross.]
I think I'll tell you a story now.
A few years back all the animals went away.
We woke up one morning, and they just weren't there anymore. They didn't even leave us a note, or say good-bye. We never figured out quite where they'd gone.
We missed them.
Some of us thought that the world had ended, but it hadn't. There just weren't any more animals. No cats or rabbits, no dogs or whales, no fish in the seas, no birds in the skies.
We were all alone.
We didn't know what to do.
We wandered around lost, for a time, and then someone pointed out that just because we didn't have any animals anymore, that was no reason to change our lives. No reason to change our diets or to cease testing products that might cause us harm.
After all, there were still babies.
Babies can't talk. They can hardly move. A baby is not a rational thinking creature.
We made babies.
And we used them.
Some of them we ate. Baby flesh is tender and succulent.
We flayed their skin and decorated ourselves in it. Baby leather is soft and comfortable.
Some of them we tested.
We taped open their eyes, dripped detergents and shampoos in, a drop a a time.
We scarred them and scalded them. We burnt them. We clamped them and planted electrodes in their brains. We grafted, and we froze, and we irradiated.
The babies breathed our smoke, and the babies' veins flowed with our medicines and drugs, until they stopped breathing or until their blood ceased to flow.
It was hard, of course, but it was necessary.
No one could deny that.
With the animals gone, what else could we do?
Some people complained, of course. But then, they always do.
And everything went back to normal.
Yesterday, all the babies were gone.
We don't know where they went. We didn't even see them go.
We don't know what we're going to do without them.
But we'll think of something. Humans are smart. It's what makes us superior to the animals and the babies.
We'll figure something out.