(no subject)

Sep 13, 2006 23:27

It's only been one week into school, but I know I'm f*cked.

How sad is this. 
I'm light-years away from understanding anything Mlle K. has to say.  She might as well be speaking German, and I won't know the difference.
Socials has been...  Bleh.  I really don't like her.  And I never will.
I'm off in Lala land for physics.  Conversion factor?  More like the Idiot factor.  The number of brain cells actually functioning is nil.
I'm alright in Chem so far.
Math.  Well.  It's entertaining.  That's all I can say.  Oh, the people in my class. "TI-89...What's that?  Is it from China or something, cause they have lots of weird stuff there."
I just found out that I'm not a dummy after all.  I'm perfectly fine in IT.  HURRAY!
English has been just plain old english. 
And what's left.  Um.  Help me.  I can't remember.
Oh that's right.  Religion.  What can I say about it?  It's a slack course.  Useless.  Sorry God.  But you know what I mean.  Learning about church history is NOT going to make me a better catholic.

That's it.  My summary of my courses.  Please school.  Blow up so I don't have to come back.  Vanish into oblivion.  Forever.
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