Yuletide write up

Jan 01, 2016 06:30

I had a great Yuletide this year! My stories came easy, they were received well, and I got to be an assistant tagmod this year and find out about the workings behind Yuletide! Which, let me tell you, makes me appreciate the work they go through a lot more than before. I didn't hippo as much this year as I did previous ones, but that was because my schedule was so erratic I didn't dare get stuck holding the bag of someone's request when I could be gone for days.

But chat was fun! And there's SO MANY good stories posted to the archive I've got reading material for days.

Onto the reveals of what I wrote!


First off, my assignment:

5 Habits of the Detective Most Effective (1619 words) by Rosencrantz
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Agatha Christie's Poirot (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Hercule Poirot, Arthur Hastings, Ariadne Oliver, Felicity Lemon, James Japp, George (Agatha Christie's Poirot)
Additional Tags: 5 Things, Slice of Life, Friendship
To keep one's mind and life at full efficiency, one must do many fortifying activities. These are five of them.

The letter for this one was full of great prompts, and the one I latched onto was what is Poirot's daily life like? At the time I was reading my way through a multitude of Poirot books at once and was enjoying The Labors of Hercules, a series of short stories where Hercule Poirot decides to do his final twelve cases before he retires based off the mythological labors. I was going to make this themed to Hercules too, but fell in an effective habit pattern instead.

Many thanks to my betas, but especially Diana who emphasized to me about Poirot's environment and eating, which is what I've gotten several compliments on.


My treat, a payback (not that kind) for my friend
morbane who had previously treated me:

A Viewtiful Waste (1052 words) by Rosencrantz
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Derkholm Series - Diana Wynne Jones
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Querida (Derkholm), Elda (Derkholm), Mara (Derkholm)
Additional Tags: Missing Scene, Geographical abuse
Look, Querida liked the view and didn't need any griffins coming along to mess it up. Unless it was Callette. (It wasn't Callette.)

My beta squealed like a stoolie, so Morbane knew it was me pretty much instantly. Also I fill my fics with graphics because coding helps sooth my nerves. It's true!

I really enjoyed The Year of the Griffin, the sequel to Dark Lord of Derkholm because it was magic university antics where one character was a griffin. It was fun to write said griffin!


My drabbles/Madness treat:

5 Drabbles About Cat's Ascent to Chrestomanci (496 words) by Rosencrantz
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: The Chronicles of Chrestomanci - Diana Wynne Jones
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Cat Chant, Christopher Chant
Additional Tags: 5 Things, Drabble Sequence, Yuletide Madness Drabble Invitational, Wait was that Batman?
A chronological series of drabbles about Cat's ascent to Chrestomanci and what he did after getting there.

Two fics with 5 in the title was totally unintentional. There was a great variety of prompts in Aishuu's letter so I just kept going until I had five. I had fun doing this one! I had fun doing all of them, really.


And again, here's the fic I received which deserves MUCH more attention than it's getting:

A Name Written in Blue-Green Letters (1228 words) by lea_hazel
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Die unendliche Geschichte | The Neverending Story - Michael Ende
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Bastian Balthasar Bux | Bastian Balthazar Bux, Atréju | Atreyu, Minor Characters
Additional Tags: Metafiction, Canonical Character Death, Alternate Universe
"All his grades were good, but every report card had a note from his teacher tacked to the end, the kind that made his mother frown. "

It's a story about Atreyu approaching the Neverending Story from a direction I never considered and fits perfectly with what we know about him at the start of the book. It was great! I loved it and you should all read it and love it too.
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