Title: Not Scared
Pairing: YG/Perry
Rating: G
Summary: In which Perry gets his nose piercing.
"Mine almost didn't hurt, Perry," Hyun Suk said reassuringly, patting Perry's shoulder. He'd never seen the short man look quite like this - he was sitting ramrod-straight in the piercer's chair, tense and even paler than usual, the little dot on his nose standing out sharply against his skin.
"Shut up, I ain't scared," he replied through clenched teeth, and Hyun Suk thought it would've been more convincing if he didn't look like he was about to hyperventilate. Maybe there was a reason Perry had never worn diamond studs in his ears despite being so gangsta.
The piercer approached, needle in hand, and Perry turned green.
"I'll hold your hand," Hyun Suk said quietly, reaching out to do just that. The piercer snorted, obviously amused, and Perry smacked his hand away with a furious glare.
"I'm fine. Just do it."
The piercer nodded, moving closer and raising the needle, and Perry's hand shot out to grab Hyun Suk's in a white-knuckled grip. Hyun Suk smiled to himself but had the sense not to say anything.