Nate & Blair top ten moments.

Apr 13, 2009 18:19

"Autumn wind turns again
The days are warm, start to fade
All that's here is still the same
Memories fall like rain"
- One Republic

10; Breaking Up;

Blair; Do you love me?

I could feel it go down, bittersweet I could taste in my mouth,
silver lining in the clouds. Oh and I, I wish that
I could work it out - Coldplay - The Hardest Part

My Thoughts;
Ok, this scene is pretty sad and doesn't paint our favorite couple in the best light
but It does make me love Blair more and more. Here she goes standing up for herself
after all the lies that Nate kept pulling (don't get me wrong I love Nate! but he was
being a dick for too long and getting away with it) but here Blair's just over it, and she
should be. Nate needed to know that the way he was treating her was so wrong and his
crappy excuses wouldn't work but then the way Nate looks off at the end,
the look on his face you can just see the regret flow through him. Sad moment.
I would like to take note that I actually love all the Nate and Blair breakups,
I know it's a bit odd seeing as i fucking adore them but I don't know
maybe I'm just so attached to them breaking up and getting back together
because of the books :) idk.

Animations bye Cami

09; Stop & Stare;

Stop and stare, I think I'm moving but I go nowhere
Yeah I know that everyone gets scared, But I've become
what I can't be, oh Stop and stare
- One Republic- Stop and Stare

My Thoughts;
This is a short but perfect scene. To me it showed that N&B meant more to each
other then Gossip Girl was showing. At this point in GG Nate and Blair where pretty
much in ruins except they hadn't broken up yet but in this scene all the fights seem to disappear
all their problems are gone and its just them and it's simple. They love each other.

Animation bye Cami

08; Courtyard Make-out;

Blair; This time we're going to be so much better together.
Nate; We already are.

You're the colour, you're the movement and the spin.
Never. Could it stay with me the whole day long
Fail with consequence, lose with eloquence and smile.
I'm not in this movie. I'm not in this song.
Never. Leave me paralyzed, love. Leave me hypnotized, love.
- The Notwist - Consequence

My Thoughts;
I love this scene. Nate and Blair are being happy and acting like a couple! yay.
It was so good to see this because, well as you already know the first season is pretty sad for NB.
Bittersweet. When you think about it this scene is quite bittersweet because
the whole time you where sitting back and watching Gossip Girl
you new that Nate was going to find out about CB bye the end of the episode.
Which he did :( but we did get to see NB being perfect for each other in this scene
+ they look really gorgeous (when don't they) and Blairs touching his face,
a trade mark NB habit.

Animation bye ?

07; Goodnight, Sweetheart;

Nate; Goodnight, sweetheart.

Split me wide open, and cut me in two
There's nothing that I could ever hide from you
Oh you always knew me, you're the only one who knew me
- The Bravery - Split Me Wide Open

My Thoughts;
LOVE! this scene was FULL of CHEMISTRY! its such a simple, romantic scene
and its so beautiful. This showed everyone how much potential NB have
and what a perfect couple they where and could still be
and again Blairs touching his face. Yeah. Thats fucking love.
This scene also shows us that Nate was her boyfriend a good boyfriend
for ages and he does know her better then Chuck!
gosh don't you just get sick and tired of CB fans saying that Chuck
knows her better than Nate, it was happening a lot around
the time this episode aired. It made me one crazy fan girl!

And I cant believe I don't have an animation of this scene! sorry :(

06; My hearts on your sleeve;

Nate; Look, I haven't worn this sweater in like, forever
& I just pulled it out today and I found this..
Blair; It's my pin. I sewed it there
so you'd always have my heart on your sleeve.
Nate; Yeah, I know.

Do you remember when we didn't care
We were just two kids that took the moment when it was there
Do you remember you at all
Another heart calls
Yeah I remember when we stole the night
We'd lie awake but dreaming till the sun would wash the sky
- The All-American Rejects - Another Heart Calls

My Thoughts;
BOOYA! okay well there are a few reasons why I adore this scene and
number one is the heart pin is from the books and it's always nice
when they use NB book moments in the show. I also love this scene
because finally after nine episodes of Nate being a fart face he misses Blair bear
+ he's extra hot when he's jealous XD anyways it's funny because
Blair has her bitch face on for the first half of this scene and as soon as
she sees the pin it all comes back to her, why her and Nate where together
in the first place because they're meant to be together!
and the sweetness factor in this scene is off the hook!!!

Animation bye Cami

05; Only My boyfriend;

Nate; Blair....
Blair; ...Don't.
Only my boyfriend gets to touch my hair.

Get up, (get up), Come on, (come on)
Why you scared? (I'm not scared).
You'll never change what's been and gone
'Cause all of the stars, Have faded away
Just try not to worry, You'll see them some day,
Take what you need, And be on your way and
Stop crying your heart out
- Oasis - Stop Crying Your Heart Out

My Thoughts;
Yes. I fucking love this scene. The color, the setting is so pretty and
I love when NB have nice settings with pretty colors :P
But I really love it because its such a gentle scene and
it still has that vulnerable side of Blair that I adore to see
when she's with Nate. It's starts off so playful but has a sad ending.
Blair being upset because she really wants to kiss Nate (who can blame her)
but Nate not wanting too....yet.

Animation bye superelle07

04; The Pep talk;

Blair; What happened? When did everything get so screwed up?
This isn't how it's supposed to be? ..I don't know who I am anymore.
What I'm supposed to do. I feel so
Nate; Lost.

It was you who picked the pieces up
When I was a broken soul
And then glued me back together
Returned to me what others stole
I don’t wanna hurt you I don’t wanna make you sway
Like I know I’ve done before I will not do it anymore
I’ve always been a dreamer I've had my head among the clouds
Now that I’m coming down Won’t you be my solid ground?
- The Perishers - Sway

My Thoughts;
A beautiful scene. Really beautiful. Although the lighting makes me angry
even though Leighton/Blair looks fucking stunning! the lighting still annoys me.
I love this scene because we had gotten nothing from NB for so long and then we
get this wonderful, amazing scene. Here they are talking to each other actually talking,
a conversation! can you believe it! I love that they can relate to each other and
remember how things used to be at the same time. Our OTP rocks!

Animations bye superelle07

03; The First Time;

"Like a heart Needs a beat"

i'm sinking like a stone in the sea.
i'm burning like a bridge for your body.
- Brand New - Tautou

My Thoughts;
.....well, um that was hot.
Yeah it's got to be one of the hottest scenes ever to grace a television screen,
seriously. It's so fucking beautiful all the pretty touching it's just so intimate.
I could not have been happier with this scene although the song choice
could have been better but 'Apologize' by One Republic isn't a bad song.
It's just felt a bit awkward in the scene.

Animation bye Cami

02; Most Romantic Thing;

Blair; Wait......that's why you were suspended?
You told the headmistress it was yours because you thought
it was mine?....thats the most romantic thing
anyone has ever done for me."
Nate; ....I love you.

And I can barely look at you, But every single time I do
I know we'll make it anywhere, Away from here
Light up, light up, As if you have a choice
Even if you cannot hear my voice, I'll be right beside you dear
- Snow Patrol - Run

My Thoughts;
Okay this scene has always been one of my favorites!
It's always going to be my season one favorite no doubt about it!
I love this scene so much, It's so pretty and I love when Blair has anything
red on because it looks so good! but anyway I love this scene because we
finally get our long awaited 'I love you' from Nate and it's so amazing, the whole
scene just showed how much Nate cares about Blair risking his future for her! and
the fact that its so bittersweet at the end with Blair trying to pretend that she isn't
interested because of Fuck face..oh sorry I meant Chuck face. :P anyways once
again we have a completely beautiful, bittersweet NB scene and I love it!

Animation bye Cami

01; Epic;

This is why we are epic;

Come up to meet you, Tell you I'm sorry, You don't know how lovely you are
I had to find you, Tell you I need you, Tell you I set you apart
Tell me your secrets, And ask me your questions, Aww let's go back to the start
- Coldplay - The Scientist

My Thoughts;
So this scene is amazing, perfect sweet, wonderful & fucking EPIC!
I love the way she has that soft/sad side of her out for a slight second
and then all he has to do is touch her hair and booya! she giggles, thats love.
Um ok I'm not lying when I say this! this kiss is one of the best kisses I've ever seen on TV
I'm serious. It was amazing!! I wish Chace Crawford would kiss me like that!!! GAH!
Anyway this is now my all time favorite NB scene, the setting is gorgeous, they are gorgeous
the moment is gorgeous! gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!!

Animation bye superelle07

Honorable mentions;


The Dream & The Hand Hold & The Pilot Make-out;

I hope you enjoyed this count down!

picspam, top ten moments

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