Oct 24, 2005 10:03
I am writing for two reasons.
1. We are having a Halloween party at my house this Saturday and You should come. Yes, I mean You. Call me at 330-6164 for directions. Specifically, Brad Neal I have been meaning to get your phone number from Drew for this reason and keep forgetting so if you send it on over here I will give you a call!
2. I don't know what all this malarky about dramatic angle LJ picture shots is, but my picture is the one picture I have from the first Muse concert I ever saw, in Dublin. The fact that is at a dramatic angle is not the reason I posted in on LJ. Although it is supposedly dramatic and actually quite unflattering, I rather like it for its sentimental value. If it hadn't been for the fact that I was posting it on the World Wide Web, I would have posted the entire picture which includes my dear Monica (for it is incomplete without her), but generally posting someone else's picture on the WWW without their approval is a bad idea. Anyway, that's what I have to say about my "dramatically angled picture."