post-xmas breakdown, and the upcoming festivities

Dec 26, 2005 00:59

so. way to be, jesus. way to be.

presents recap: black oh-so-svelte ipod, absolutely killer mark ecko coat, couple seasons of the west wing, and a fall out boy ep. major adidas stuff from tier, and that about wraps up. oh, and a christmas tie, since we didn't do the whole pajamas thing this year.

so, my mom just got back in town late xmas eve from taking care of her dad, who's in the hospital. we got a call today that he choked on his lunch and had to be taken to the e.r. its an absolutely terrible situation, because i guess there's a lot of stress going on with familial things, which i won't get into. needless to say, its rather tough on everyone. so my mom and dad left after we got done opening presents. my bro and i have to go pick up my dad from the amtrak station tomorrow. who knows when my mom's going to be back. hopefully before the new year.

{x} broke a promise (minor things, like saying i'll call and not doing so, but still)
{ } made a new best friend
{x} fallen in love (constantly)
{ } fallen out of love
{ } done something you swore never to do
{x} lied (again, minor things)
{ } stole
{x} went behind your parents back (probably, can't think of an example right now)
{ } cried over a broken heart..
{x} dissapointed someone close (likely, but not sure)
{x} hid a secret
{x} pretended to be happy
{ } got arrested
{x} kissed in the rain
{ }slept under the stars
{ } kept your new years resolution
{x} forgot your new years resolution
{ } met someone who changed your life
{ } met one of your idols
{x} changed your outlook on life
{x} sat home all day doing nothing (more than once... or twice...)
{ } pretended to be sick
{ } left the country
{ } almost died
{ } given up something important to you
{ } lost something expensive
{x} learned something new about yourself
{ } tried something you normally wouldnt try and liked it
{ } made a change in your life
{ } found out who your true friends were
{x} made a total fool of yourself (most likely)
{x} met great people
{ } snuck out of the house
{x} stayed up til sunrise (i have... sweet wheels)
{xxxxxxxxxx} pigged out over the summer
{ } met someone from myspace in person
{ } cried over the silliest thing
{ } partied more than 5 times
{ } was never home on weekends
{ } got into a car accident
{ } found a person you never thought you'd become real good friends with
{ } had friends who were drifting away from you
{ } had someone close to me die
{x} was in a relationship
{x} became wiser
{x} had a high cell phone bill
{ } wasted most of my money on food
{ } had a fist fight
{x} went to the beach
{x} saw a celebrity (college football)
{x} gotten sick
{ } liked more than 5 people at the same time
{ } had a wasted night
{x} became closer to a lot of people

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